Optimal Transport: Old and New 作者: Cedric Villani; ISBN13: 9783540710493 类型: 精装(精装书) 语种: 英语(English) 出版日期: 2008-09-24 出版社: Springer 页数: 973 重量(克): 1496 尺寸: 23.876 x 16.51 x 3.81 cm 商品简介 At the close of the 1980s, the independent contributions of Yann ...
虽然最早知道Optimal Transportation这一名词是从多年前翻查Fields Medalists,知道2010年菲尔兹奖得主Cédric Villani开始的。他有两本非常著名的相关书籍,Topics in Optimal Transportation和Optimal Transport: Old and New。但我对相关理论研究并没有太多了解和认识。较多关注这一领域大概还是从知道Marco Cuturi和Gabriel ...
The rank constraint on the transport matrix can help recover the corrupted subspace structures and eliminate the noise to some extent when dealing with corrupted source data. The solution to this relaxed and regularized optimal transport framework is a convex optimization problem that can be solved ...
villani, c.: optimal transport: old and new, vol. 338 of grundlehren der mathematischen wissenschaften. springer (2009) download references acknowledgements this work was supported by the emmy noether programme of the dfg. funding open access funding enabled and organized by projekt deal. author ...
hierarchical-optimal transport for ument层次化优运输信息表示.pdf,Hierarchical Optimal Transport for Document Representation Mikhail Yurochkin Sebastian Claici Edward Chien mikhail.yurochkin@ sclaici@ edchien@ Farzaneh Mirzazadeh Justin Solomon farzaneh@
We refer to the two monographs by Villani (2003, 2008) for adetailed exposition.* Departamento de Matemática Aplicada, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain† Department of Statistics, Columbia University, New York, USA. Email: ag4855@columbia.edu‡ Institut für Mathematische Stochastik, ...
Optimal Transport. Old and New 机译:最佳运输。新旧 获取原文 获取原文并翻译 | 示例 获取外文期刊封面目录资料 开具论文收录证明 >> 页面导航 摘要 著录项 相似文献 相关主题 摘要 Dieses eindrucksvolle Werk von C. Villani im Umfang von 973 Seiten ist eine Fortsetzung, eine Vertiefung und Erweiter...
In this preliminary chapter, we introduce the problem of optimal transport, which is the main concept behind Wasserstein spaces. General references on this topic are the books by Rachev and Rüschendorf [107], Villani [124, 125], Ambrosio et al. [12], Ambrosio and Gigli [10], and Santam...
C´edricVillani Optimaltransport,oldandnew December22,2006 Springer BerlinHeidelbergNewYork HongKongLondon MilanParisTokyo Domochuislemochro´ı,A¨elle VII Thisisthe“finalversion”(asofDecember22,2006)ofmylecturenotes forthe2005Saint-Floursummerschool.Therehavebeenimportantchanges ...
Villani, C.: Optimal Transport, Series = Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften, vol. 338. Springer, Berlin (2009) Google Scholar Download references Acknowledgements Open Access funding provided by Projekt DEAL. Both authors gratefully acknowledge support by the German Research Foundation through ...