Optimal Transport 作者: Cédric Villani 出版社: Springer副标题: Old and New出版年: 2008-11-17页数: 1000定价: USD 159.00装帧: Hardcover丛书: Grundlehren der mathematischen WissenschaftenISBN: 9783540710493豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 ...
Optimal transport, old and newljk.imag.fr/membres/Emmanuel.Maitre/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=b07.stflour.pdf (C´edric Villani, 数学界的时尚大佬) Computational Optimal Transportarxiv.org/abs/1803.00567 1.Optimal transport 问题描述 问题引入:最优的运输以及物资分配问题一直以来都被人们不断研究。
Optimaltransport,oldandnew December22,2006 Springer BerlinHeidelbergNewYork HongKongLondon MilanParisTokyo Domochuislemochro´ı,A¨elle VII Thisisthe“finalversion”(asofDecember22,2006)ofmylecturenotes forthe2005Saint-Floursummerschool.Therehavebeenimportantchanges ...
Doob Prize of the American Mathematical Society for his book [Optimal Transport: Old and New (Springer 2009)] Extra-academic distinctions:2009: Knight of the National Order of Merit (France)2011: Knight of the Legion of Honor (France)2013: Member of the French Academy of Sciences ...
Optimal transport, old and new - C 233;dric Villani 热度: Optimal transport for applied mathematicians 热度: C´edricVillani Optimaltransport,oldandnew June13,2008 Springer BerlinHeidelbergNewYork HongKongLondon MilanParisTokyo Domochuislemochro´ı,A¨elle ...
Optimal transport: old and new, volume 338. Springer, 2009 ——第一次笔记 在学习flow matching的时候重新认识了一下ODE,我上学期NODE的笔记如下: 消融ball:NODE:Neural Ordinary Differential Equations神经一般微分方程(+公式完整手推)77 赞同 · 7 评论文章 在看到FLOW MATCHING FOR GENERATIVE MODELING这篇的...
Optimal Transport: Old and New 作者: Cedric Villani; ISBN13: 9783540710493 类型: 精装(精装书) 语种: 英语(English) 出版日期: 2008-09-24 出版社: Springer 页数: 973 重量(克): 1496 尺寸: 23.876 x 16.51 x 3.81 cm 商品简介 At the close of the 1980s, the independent contributions of Yann ...
C´edricVillani Optimaltransport,oldandnew June13,2008 Springer BerlinHeidelbergNewYork HongKongLondon MilanParisTokyo Domochuislemochro´ı,A¨elle Contents Preface...1 Conventions...7 Introduction13 1Couplingsandchangesofvariables...17 2Threeexamplesofcouplingtechniques...33 3Thefoundingfathersofopt...
(2009). Optimal transport: Old and new. Grundlehren der mathematischen Wis- senschaften. Springer, Berlin.Villani, C. (2009). Optimal transport: old and new. Springer-Verlag Berlin- Heidelberg.Vill...
Optimal Transport: Old and New 来自 dialnet.unirioja.es 喜欢 0 阅读量: 560 作者: Cédric Villani 摘要: At the close of the 1980s, the independent contributions of Yann Brenier, Mike Cullen and John Mather launched a revolution in the venerable field of optimal transport founded by G. Monge...