Synonyms for OPTIMAL: optimum, maximum, excellent, superb, prime, outstanding, special, marvellous; Antonyms of OPTIMAL: common, ordinary, adequate, fair, medium, sufficient, reasonable, acceptable
'optimal' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): acid-loving-alkali-loving-fuel-efficient-intima-optimum-peak-suboptimal In Lists:English - Spanish,Dictionary of feelings, intentions, behaviour...,more... ...
Define optimal. optimal synonyms, optimal pronunciation, optimal translation, English dictionary definition of optimal. adj. Most favorable or desirable; optimum. op′ti·mal·ly adv. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Editio
English sentences. However, it is important to note that this score is not fully semantic and may have difficulty accounting for changes in temporality or the direction of causality. Nonetheless, by utilizing qualitative evaluations, and considering that good results have been obtained in these ...
aAre "love" and "like" synonyms? - If you love a flower, you'll water it; if you like a flower, you pick it.- What about "like" and "hate", are they antonyms?- If you like a flower, you pick it. If you hate a flower, you still pick it. “爱”和“象”同义词? -,如果...
However, there are several synonyms or alternate words that can be used interchangeably with this phrase. Let’s explore four of these alternatives and delve into their subtle differences in meaning and usage. 1. Just Like The phrase “just like” is a versatile alternative to “as same as”...
1, which was applied to article titles, abstracts, and keywords in the Scopus database. Utilizing this search string allows us to ensure that no studies addressing the optimal placement for fast charging stations are overlooked. Using synonyms of the primary term helps capture articles with ...
• Optimal and optimum are normally synonyms meaning the best or the most favorable conditions leading to desirable results • Optimal and optimum are both adjectives, but while only optimum can be used as a noun, optimal can be used as an adverb as in optimally....
Define Optimal Play. Optimal Play synonyms, Optimal Play pronunciation, Optimal Play translation, English dictionary definition of Optimal Play. n. 1. A gambling machine operated by inserting coins into a slot and often by pulling down on a long handle.