The sex pheromone solution was prepared at a concentration range from 0.00001 to 0.3 mg μ l−1 in 2 experi- ment years. In 2013, dispensers with 15 different loading rates (0.0001–5 mg, see Appendix Table 1) were prepared according to the method mentioned above, except that ...
This paper presents a method for fitting a nD fixed width spherical shell to a given set of nD points in an image in the presence of noise by maximizing the number of inliers, namely the consensus set. We present an algorithm, that provides the optimal solution(s) within a time complexity...
Under some conditions, the log-transform can be applied to turn the HJB equation into a linear PDE.We then show that the optimal solution in the multi-agent scheduling problem can be expressed in closed form as a sum of single schedule solutions. Categories and Subject Descriptors G.1.6 [...
An O( n 2 log n ) time algorithm is presented to find such a line segment ( optimal bridge ) ( p , q ), where n is the maximal cardinality of P , Q . We also present a very simple linear time constant factor approximate solution for this problem....
We present optimal Θ(n log n) time algorithms to solve two tree embedding problems whose solution previously took quadratic time or more: rooted-tree embeddings and degree-constrained embeddings. In the rooted-tree embedding problem we are given a rooted-tree T with n nodes and a set of n...
Previous work on the stability and convergence analysis of numerical methods for the stationary Navier–Stokes equations was carried out under the uniqueness condition of the solution, which required that the data be small enough in certain norms. In this paper an optimal analysis for the finite...
The proposed solution technique resulted in a more competitive solution for the evaluated system with a notable improvement in the techno-economic aspects. Three separate target functions in OPF, including reducing overall operating costs, carbon pollution with tax, and power losses, were taken into ...
suppress this warning message in the future. Successive approximation method to be employed. For improved efficiency, SDPT3 is solving the dual problem. SDPT3 will be called several times to refine the solution. Original size: 91 variables, 24 equality constraints ...
In the previous section, we expressed the Dirac spinor in Eq. (37) as a function of \(\phi ({\textbf{x}})\), which is a stationary solution of the HJB equation, and its derivative \(\partial _\mu \phi ({\textbf{x}})\). As any other solution \(\phi (\tau , {\textbf{x...
Despite the advances in three-dimensional acquisition techniques, it is challenging to develop motion estimation algorithms in particle tracking due to large particle displacements, dense particle distributions and high computational cost. We present an end-to-end solution called graph optimal transport (...