A Globally Optimal Solution in Computer Science refers to a solution that is the best possible outcome for a given problem, achieved by combining optimal solutions to its subproblems. AI generated definition based on:Electronic Design Automation,2009 ...
On the optimal solution definition for many-criteria optimization problems [C]//Keller J, Nasraoui O ,eds. Proc. of NA FIP FI INT Int'1 Conf. 2002,IEEE Press,Piscataway N J,2002:232--238.Farina, M., Amato, P.: On the optimal solution definition for many-criteria opti- mization ...
Definition 5 A gadget of order (m, k) in dimensiondis a {0,1}-assignable set of vectors\({{{\mathcal{S}}}_{m,k}\subset {{\mathbb{C}}}^{d}\)containingmdistinguished mutually non-orthogonal vectors\({\widetilde{{{\mathcal{S}}}_{m,k}=\{\left\vert {v}_{1}\right\rangle...
According to the Newton–Leibniz formula and the definition of accumulating generation in Eq. (2), the left side of Eq. (5) can be expressed as (6)∫k−1kx(1)(t)dt=x(1)(k)−x(1)(k−1)=x(0)(k)and the right side of Eq. (5) is equal to (7)α∫k−1kx(1)(t...
{k}\). First, we need to choose a set of cost-1 generators that obey certain technical conditions. Letm = 9n(n − 1)/2 and\({G}_{1},{G}_{2},\ldots,{G}_{m}\in {{{\mathcal{C}}}_{n}^{1}\)be the generators shown in Fig.3. By definition, each generator...
meets thetotally unimodular(TU) property. The TU implies that all vertexes of the polyhedron representing the feasible set are integral; thus, the linear program obtained by relaxing the integrality constraints of the corresponding integer program can find an optimal integral solution. We prove that...
Definition 1 The end-point mapping [Math Processing Error] of the system is defined by [Math Processing Error] where t↦x(x 0,t,u) is the trajectory solution of the control system (1) associated to u such that x(x 0,0,u)=x 0 Assuming moreover that [Math Processing Error]...
However, in our approach the direct addition of linear bias to the objective function allows the sampling of solution space constrained to the optimal yield of succinic acid. Compared to sampling without linear bias we can see how the optimal flux space compares to the full space of possible ...
Based on the above definition, the proper interval for using the Lex method will be determined as ei∈[Minfi,Maxfi] and the value Rfi is utilized for normalizing the objectives in the objective function AEC. 3.5.2. Completing EC method with AEC method AEC method model is in the form of ...
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