主题:Optimal Sequencing in Single-Player Games 主讲人:Prof. Yifu Li 主持人:Prof. Tianhu Deng(邓天虎) 语言:Chinese(中文) 参加方式:腾讯会议Tencent Meeting,会议ID:633 368 699 清华IE讲堂 为了建立良好的学习氛围,提高专业认识,...
Since 2011, the GDL-II rule language extension allows the formulation of nondeterministic and partially observable games. In this paper, we present an algorithm for such games, with a focus on the single-player case. Conceptually, at each stage, the proposed NORNS algorithm distinguishes between ...
The solution of the latter optimization problem returns the best response of a representative player to the empirical measure ( μ t ) (𝜇𝑡) in a scenario where no player is profitable in changing his/her own strategy. Concerning the choice of the flow of the probability measure ( μ ...