Heatsink Model 3.36..6H.THehaeetashtisneikantkMsiMnodkoedileslstudied from the data of the [21] which has a large range of heatsinks in itsTTphhreoehdheuaecattstiisoninnkksi.sisFssitgutuuddrieeiedd1f2frroosmmhottwhhees ddtahattea oinfttehrepo[2l1a]tiwonhicochhf hhaaaslsaaargllae...
In [11], a frame adaptive ROI was proposed to handle the color saturation and cut-off distortion caused by the limited dynamic range of smartphone cameras. However, it focused on improvement of the signal quality rather than reducing the extraction time. Both of these methods had a time-...
Exploration of the optimal range of urinary iodine concentration in Chinese pregnant women in mildly iodine-deficient and -sufficient areasdoi:10.1007/s00394-021-02693-yPregnant womenIodine nutritionUrinary iodine concentrationThyroid dysfunctionThere is some uncertainty about the optimal ranges for urinary ...
aSecond, the most favorable pH (3-4) observed in this study for the TPO treatment of leachate falls within the typical optimal pH range in Fenton treatment of landfill leachate (Deng and Englehardt, 2006). 其次,最有利的酸碱度 (3-4) 在这项研究中在典型的优选的酸碱度范围之内观察了对...
Web threats are able to cause a broad range of risks, such as financial damages, damage of company reputation, and loss of consumer confidence in e-commerce and online banking33. Furthermore, multiple types of web malware benefit cybercriminals by steal- ing confidential information for ...
Freshwater supply around the world is under pressure due to a growing population and a significant boost in agricultural and industrial wide range of products and applications. Growing freshwater demand is raising new concerns about water quality and generating greater awareness of both public and local...
Motion in the body structure leads to the emergence of interaction torque (IT) between segments (e.g. action of the forearm onto the upper-arm) but also within a segment (e.g. among the 3 main degrees of freedom of the shoulder joint for the upper-arm in 3D). Such coupled nonlinear...
Working fluid isobutane always achieves highest plant exergy efficiency for optimal cycles with either reinjection temperature limit. Keywords: geothermal power plant; organic Rankine cycle; saturated cycle; regenerative cycle; plant exergy efficiency 1. Introduction Low temperature geothermal brine in range ...
Target SOC Value Assignment Method For the economic and reliable operation of a microgrid, it is very important to keep the SOC value of BESS within the appropriate range. Therefore, when scheduling BESS, the SOC value of the last hour must be carefully selected and included as a constraint,...
By means of different minimization techniques it is possible to obtain a faithful representation of the eigenstate properties of the system and exploiting the few-body short-range nature of the interaction among different sites and the Suzuki-Trotter formalism, it is possible to numerically simulate ...