13. Results showed that AOT reversed micellar systems provided a suitable micro-environment for biodiesel production. The optimal parameters were: the ratio of water and AOT 11, AOT concentration 50 mmol/L, temperature 40℃, pH 7, molar ratio of methano and oil 3, and rotating speed 180 r/...
Testing the model with an independent dataset (Riaboff et al., 2020) is also a good way to ensure that the parameters used to train the model (window size, overlap, classifier, hyperparameters, etc.) are suitable for another dataset than the one used to develop the model and are not ...
We test additional scenarios to analyze the sensitivity of our results to the parameters used in the model. The additional parameterizations and changes to results are summarized in Table 2. All results are compared to the model parameterized with a per-case infection cost of $200, and these re...
A mutation is the random modification of one or several of the input parameters of a highly ranked individual, keeping the rest of the parameter untouched. The generation and evaluation of generations was iterated until the optimisation results converged. There is no straight forward strategy to ...
The observed and expected (i.e., optimal) body size are found to be close and not significantly different. The model also predicts that, from the bumblebee's point of view, there should be a positive correlation between the size of the bumblebee and the average amount of nectar obtained ...
Using invariance principles, it is found that the uniformly most-powerful-invariant (UMPI) test does not exist. A test is derived that is UMPI if it is given that the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is known. For SNR unknown, the derived test can be used as an upper performance bound for...
the problem can usually be reduced to a low-dimensional optimization over a small number of parameters, which is then easily performed numerically (see Supplementary Note5for an example). For systems where the functional form ofe(r) cannot be found analytically, such as those with complex geomet...
Either 'tough' or 'soft' bankruptcy laws can be optimal, depending on the parameters. This implies that mandatory one-size-fits-all bankruptcy procedures cannot be optimal. 'Hybrid' procedures, which try to combine elements of soft and tough procedures, are found to be redundant, and possibly...
000 users. It is important to gradually increase the load, otherwise we could get false negatives due to suddenly increasing the load on the system by a factor of 10. I kept the Auto Scaling policy to the same parameters as my previous test: increase when CPU utilization is >= 30% and...
Finally, the selected proteins druggability was evaluated using BLASTp with default parameters against the Drug Bank database (https://go.drugbank.com/)24. The draggability of possible targets is another vital screening stage that assesses the likelihood that a drug will regulate selected targets25...