Human biology was probably optimized through natural selection for a sun-rich environment that maintained serum 25(OH)D higher than 100 nmol/L. These levels are now only prevalent in people who spend an above-average amount of time outdoors, with the sun high in the sky. The best-...
There is still controversy concerning the optimal target hemoglobin during treatment with recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO). Some evidence suggests that hemoglobin concentrations higher than currently recommended lead to improvements in cognitive function, physical performance, and rehabilitation. At least...
A growing body of empirical evidence suggests that land use change, and the resulting decline in both the area and quality of natural habitats, contributes
Impact of Perioperative Treatment of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone on Cell Immune Function and Intestinal Barrier Function: Randomized, Double-blind, Co... The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of recombinant human growth hormone (GH) on cell immune function, intestinal barrier ...
The ancient philosopher Aristotle thought so. He argued that happiness is the ultimate goal of human beings, because everything else, ranging from being respected by others, to being with a wonderful partner, to living in a fabulous house, is all instrumental, namely, to achieve some other ...
Increasingly, tools and surveys are employed to determine current and optimal levels of health care service and performance, and ultimately to improve the levels for each. RAND helps policymakers, health care leaders, and practitioners determine cost-effective and accurate ways to measure the quality ...
When both a knee indicatory1and a tooth indicatory2is observed for each person (with the tooth maturity levels A through H represented as integers 0 through 7) we use the model $$ \begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} y_{1} &=& {\max}_{j\in\{0,\dots,4\}}\left\{j:a_{j}<x + u_...
Interventions to improve feeding are likely to improve the immediate and longerterm health and well-being of the individual infant and have a significant impact on neonatal and infant mortality levels in the population. Better feeding was one of the first interventions for preterm babies in the ...
Knowing that human organism works on reverse loop reactions - & always tries to maintain balance, also, considering a lot of people these days actually lack the sufficient strength of gastric juice, hence getting a ton of gastric problems alone, followed by poor digestion - how will adding the...
Non-human animal studies outline precise mechanisms of central mu-opioid regulation of pain, stress, affiliation and reward processing. In humans, pharmacological blockade with non-selective opioid antagonists such as naloxone and naltrexone is typically