A sequential optimal Latin hypercube design method using an efficient recursive permutation evolution algorithmLatin hypercube design (LHD) is one of the most frequently used sampling methods. However, most LHDs generate data samples in a manner that hinders computational efficiency and space-filling ...
Latin hypercube samplingGaussian mixture modelThis paper compares three methods for solving probabilistic optimal power flow (P-OPF) problem: Zhao's point estimate method (PEM), Quasi Monte Carlo simulation (QMCS) and Latin hypercube sampling (LHS). With Nataf transformation, P-OPF problem is ...
Commonly used grid generation methods include uniform grid, equispaced grid, Latin hypercube sampling, and so on. Pricing analysis of American options by generating a grid is also used in the finite difference method. Kwok et al36. gave an equispaced grid, $$\begin{aligned} \Delta y=1.5\...
8, it would be then applied into the optimal design system along with the Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) methodology, the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) analysis, and the Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) method. Fig. 9 shows the flow chart of the optimal design system, ...
If people want to quickly obtain the solution of the engineering scheme, perhaps some simple heuristic algorithms such as Latin hypercube sampling could be more recommended. But we cannot guarantee the result validity of these algorithms. Fortunately, we do not need to worry about the validity ...
Hypercube Sampling. Structure and System Nonprobabilistic Reliability Solution Method Based on Enhanced Optimal Latin Hypercube Sampling.Structure and System Nonprobabilistic Reliability Solution Method Based on Enhanced Optimal Latin Hypercube Sampling.doi:10.1142/S0219455414500345...
The simulated solutions of the model were analyzed using MAPLE-18 with Runge–Kutta–Felberg method (RKF45 solver). The model entrenched parameters analysis revealed that there are both disease-free and endemic equilibrium points. The solutions depicted that the free equilibrium point for COVID-19 ...
The accuracy of the proposed analytical model is assessed using simulations via Latin Hypercube Sampling. Furthermore, based on the proposed model, an optimization formulation is introduced to identify the optimal spare strategy, comprising the parking orbits' characteristics and all locations' policies,...
Similar to the Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) method, OSF has no requirement for the number of samples as the dimension of variables increases as they both divide the entire design space into many levels, which equals the number of samples and draws samples from different locations. Show ...
This entails the following tasks: (1) build a SEAR simulation model of a nitrobenzene-contaminated aquifer; (2) use the Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) method to derive a data set for the SEAR simulation model; (3) adopt the new method known as KELM to create a surrogate model and employ...