Optimal cutoff point of waist circumference and use of home blood pressure as a definition of metabolic syndrome: the Ohasama study. Am J Hypertens 2008;21:514e20.Sato A,Asayama K,Ohkubo T. Optimal cutoff point of waist circumference and use of home blood pressure as a definition of ...
Estimation of the Youden Index and its associated cutoff point. Biom J. 2005;47(4):458–72. 9. Antolini L, Valsecchi MG. Performance of binary markers for censored failure time outcome: nonparametric approach based on proportions. Stat Med. 2012;31(11–12):1113–28. 10. Palmi ...
For detection of response to treatment, assessed by a 1-point reduction in the Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, rating, a reduction of 28% for the LSAS-SR and 29% for the LSAS-CA yielded the best balance between sensitivity ...
maximize_boot_metric: Bootstrap the optimal cutpoint when maximizing a metric minimize_boot_metric: Bootstrap the optimal cutpoint when minimizing a metric oc_manual: Specify the cutoff value manually oc_mean: Use the sample mean as the “optimal” cutpoint oc_median: Use the sample median as...
A Monte Carlo statistical method--the "bootstrap procedure"--is applied to correct for bias and to estimate standard errors, including the standard error of the optimal cutoff point. Independent and paired comparisons of two diagnostic tests are also considered when optimal cutoff points have been...
The optimal ROC cutoff point was calculated in MATLAB [18], and the 95% confidence intervals were calculated according to Lai et al. [19]. Some demographic characteristics and baseline values of 243 patients are presented in Table 1. Show abstract The Youden Index in the Generalized Receiver ...
The survival tree identified 4.65 months as the most prognostic PSADT cutoff point. Among the clinical and pathological factors PSADT of < 4.65 months remained an independent prognostic factor for OS (HR 2.96, p = 0.0003) and CSS (HR 3.66, p < 0.0001). Current data represented...
Optimal cutoff for visceral adiposity index in a Venezuelan population: Results from the Maracaibo City Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence Study Optimal waist circumference cut-off point for multiple risk factor aggregation: results from the Maracaibo City Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence Study. Epidemiol Res ...
Each point on the ROC curve provides the sensitivity (true positive) and 1-specificity (false positive) rates associated with a cutoff on the probability scale (called a cutpoint). Each cutpoint allows all observations to be classified as either predicted events or predicted nonevents. The ...
Other studies used cross-validation for a more accurate cutoff point, rather than ROC curve analysis [19]. Hooten et al. used multiple variable linear regression for the relation between knee joint kinetics and pressure pain threshold [20]. Multiple regression was used for predictive factors such...