where θout: Output phase angle of the PLL controller; KPpll: Proportional gain of the PLL controller; KIpll: Integral gain of the PLL controller; Fpll: Output frequency of the PLL; Fref: Reference frequency. The output frequency can be calculated from Eq. (27). $$\begin{array}{c}{F...
so it will be utilized to determine the best control parameters that achieve minimum error. Figure2illustrates the flowchart for the application steps of the proposed HYCHOPSO for tuning the PI controller parameters for the hierarchical control of multiple microgrids. The simulation model consists ...
"controllerTextHoverColor":"var(--lia-nav-controller-icon-hover-color)","controllerHighlightColor":"hsla(30, 100%, 50%)","controllerHighlightTextColor":"var(--lia-yiq-light)","controllerBorderRadius":"var(--lia-border-radius-50)","hamburgerColor":"var(--lia-nav-controller-icon-color)"...
Basically BF2042 seems to be driven by mentality of single person army/small 3 person team of e.g. Apex or Warzone. I understand that these games are popular, but they are different games, with different audiences and experiences. I would try to define game ruleset/design tenets that per...
The archive is a simple storage unit with a maximum number and uses an archive controller to control the entry and omission of the obtained non-dominated Pareto optimal solutions from the archive. In the iteration process, if an individual in the archive dominates the new solution generated, the...
The proposed visual controller method, encompassing vocabulary, distribution, and single-/multiline dataset generation facilitates the precision tuning of the multilingual vocabulary set and distribution preparation. This precision, in turn, enhances recognition accuracy across a wide range of languages and ...
Case 1 is a grid-interfaced PV system with a suggested MSC-HCR converter and a chosen GWO controller, in terms of model outcomes. This was investigated when the solar irradiance varies while the load remains constant. Figure 5A shows that the 1000 W/m21000 W/m2 PV irradiance at time inte...
3.1. Fuzzy Controller A field in soft computing is the control of a non-linear plant to stabilize real systems, such as airplane simulators, arms robot and trajectories of robots. Ebrahim Mamdani in 1974 created the area of FLC to control plants [58,59,60,61,62]. Figure 12 represents a...