Step 1: Scroll down to our download section (located below this tutorial) and click on “Download OptiFine HD Mod”. You will be redirected to the official website, where you can download everything. Step 2: Locate an OptiFine version. Click “Show all versions” if you are playing with...
首先打开OptiFine官网(,下载对应版本的OptiFine(此处建议点击“mirror”来下载,因为直接点downloads会打开一个广告页面,天朝用户因墙的问题无法看完广告之后去下载,而会一直卡在广告页面),如果下载速度缓慢可以使用IDM、迅雷等多线程下载工具进行下载2 单独安装回到游戏设置,点击“...
这里给大家提供了两种下载方式,Download是要经过广告的,mirror是直接到下载页面的选择Download后进入广告页面,等5秒后点击跳过广告就能到下载页面【推荐能过广告页面的还是看看广告吧,给作者支持】不想看广告?可以直接选择mirror,或者右键点击Download选择(复制链接地址)去掉链接里的这个就能直接到下载页面了 11楼2019-02-...
下载OptiFine 前一定要明确自己玩的地图号(以下以 1.20.1 作为例子) 选择好地图版本号,点击“Download” 点击后就会出现下面的界面,注意,出现画面后在心里面默数10秒 唉,这时右上角就会出现【 ←|Skip 】的按钮,点击它 点击后就会出现下面的界面,点击中间的“Download” 唉,点击后就会自动下载(这里如果用的是Ch...
the developers decided to make the snapshot and pre-release versions available separately from the official versions. This way, you can use some features, including shaders, before the main updates. So you can play Minecraft 1.21-rc with Optifine. Download it from the download section below. ...
Download the mod jar file from the below links. Double click on the .jar file that you downloaded. Optifine Installer windows should showing, now just click on the “Install” button. Open Minecraft and select Optifine profile to play. ...
📥 Optifine HD Mod — Download Something You Should Know Our links are only from the official developer, so you can be sure they are secure. No modifications or edits are made to the files. 👨💻 sp614xis the creator of Optifine HD Mod ...
Description The license of Optifine prevents it from being distributed, but there are times when players may not install Optifine manually to the modpack's mod folder. This mod will remind players to install Optifine when it detects that Optifine HD is not loaded properly. ...
OptiFine for Minecraft, free and safe download. OptiFine for Minecraft latest version: A free intuitive graphics control mod. OptiFine is a free Minec
- fixed memory leak in cape download - fixed shaders to load files only from the shader pack - added font alpha blending - fixed shader options crash on right click - added custom underlava fog colors - fixed Lagometer with Forge