不知道您方不方便发给我一个optical and laser in engineering论文初稿的word模板。 万分感谢,祝您...
不知道你找到没 我现在也需要Optics and Lasers in Engineering的 world模板呢 求帮助发到邮箱 ...
Headings.The styles for thethreelevels of headings inApplied Optics,JOSA A,and JOSA Bare 1. SECTION A. Subsection 1 1. Subsection 2 Using the Word styles.In this template, styles such as “01 Title” forthe manuscriptappear in the MS Word Styles ribbon (or toolbar for older versions of...
9、sition within the text. Tables. Styles for table title, table head, and table text are provided in the MS Word Styles ribbon. Tables should be set as one column wide if possible and be placed near their first mention in the body.Supplementary material. Consult the Author Guidelines for...
Headings. The styles for the three levels of headings in Applied Optics,JOSA A, and JOSA B are 1. SECTION A. Subsection 1 1. Subsection 2 Using the Word styles.In this template, styles such as “01 Title” for the manuscript appear in the MS Word Styles ribbon (or toolbar for older...
b c d 应该怎么弄?大三:最后提交的时候只需要交一个word就可以了吗?图片还需要单独提交吗?
不知道你找到没 我现在也需要Optics and Lasers in Engineering的 world模板呢 求帮助发到邮箱 ...