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最近给Optics & Laser Technology投了一篇稿子,7月2号投稿。7月9号就是Decision Pending,是不是直接...
Low-temperature laser-stimul... 42 Phase-engineered metalenses ... 39 投稿注意事项 文章要求: 1、建议稿件控制10页以上,文章撰写语言为英语;(单栏格式,单倍行距,内容10号字体,文稿类型包含:原创研究(Original Research)、案例报告(Case Report)、文献综述(Literature Review)等;文件格式包含word、PDF、LaTeX等...
(7). K. Zhang, J. Zhang, R. Wang, R. Guo, J. Wang, and K. Peng, “All solid state single frequency and frequency-doubled laser” (in Chinese) Chinese Patent ZL98125474.8 (2000). 7. Figures and Tables Figures Figures should be suitable (resolution above 300 dpi) for immediate repr...
73.Errata: Evaluation of human sclera after femtosecond laser ablation using two photon and confocal microscopy 机译:勘误:飞秒激光消融后使用两个光子和共聚焦显微镜评估人的巩膜 作者:Hui Sun;Ronald Kurtz;Tibor Juhasz 期刊名称:《Journal of Biomedical Optics》 | 2012年第8期 74.Multispectral fluorescence...
Applied optics 摘要 Reported here for the first time is the use of simultaneous airborne laser-induced dye fluorescence and the 3400-cm(-1) OH-stretch water Raman backscatter spectra to yield the absolute concentration of an ocean-dispersed tracer dye. Using a straightforward theoretical model, the...
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光学期刊,光学期刊联盟,光学论文,光电资讯,光电社区,光学人物,光学专家,光学实验室,光学文献,编辑出版,光学权威,光学前沿,光学会议,微信智能应答服务,光学资源库,DOI代理注册,高功率激光,High Power Laser Science and Engineer,光子学研究,Photonics Research,中国光学快报,COL,Chinese Optics Letters,光学学报,中国激光...
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