Optics and Lasers in Engineeringaims at providing an international forum for the interchange of information on thedevelopment of optical techniquesandlaser technologyinengineering. Emphasis is placed on contributions targeted at the practical use of methods and devices, the development and … ...
国际简称:OPT LASER ENG 出版周期:Monthly 研究方向:工程技术 - 光学 出版语言:Multi-Language 创刊时间:1980 是否预警:否 出版地区:ENGLAND 是否OA:未开放 期刊介绍 《Optics And Lasers In Engineering》(《工程中的光学和激光》)是一本由Elsevier Ltd出版的工程技术-光学学术刊物,主要刊载工程技术-光学相关领域研...
Optics and Lasers in Engineering《光学与激光工程》 (官网投稿) 简介 期刊简称OPT LASER ENG 参考译名《光学与激光工程》 核心类别 高质量科技期刊(T1), 高质量科技期刊(T2), SCIE(2024版), 知网外文库,外文期刊, IF影响因子 自引率 主要研究方向工程技术-OPTICS光学 Optics and Lasers in Engineering《...
Optics and Lasers in Engineering aims at providing an international forum for the interchange of information on the development of optical techniques and laser technology in engineering. Emphasis is placed on contributions targeted at the practical use of methods and devices, the development and ...
Opto Engineering manufactures and provides imaging components like optics, cameras, and lighting solutions to solve any machine vision application.
Optics and Lasers in Engineering Supports open access 8.9CiteScore 3.5Impact Factor Articles & Issues About Publish Order journal Submit your articleGuide for authors Laser Material Processing (STEEN) W.M. Steen Edited by W.M. Steen Volume 34, Issues 4–6, Pages 203-442 (October 2000) ...
Optics & Laser Technology aims to provide a vehicle for the publication of a broad range of high quality research and review papers in those fields of scientific and engineering research appertaining to the development and application of the technology of optics and lasers. Papers describing original...
OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING 的国际标准连续出版物编号(Issn号)是0143-8166。 OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING 目前的主编是Erwin Hack, PhD。 近期想要快速发表文章的同学可以添加佩普科研助理咨询,佩普学术是专门为科研工作者投稿SCI快速发表服务的科研服务品牌,根据文章匹配3-5本非预警正刊录用方案,而且最快...
《OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING》 期刊名缩写:OPT LASER ENG 22年影响因子:5.666 issn:0143-8166 eIssn:1873-0302 类别:医学生物工程技术物理 学科与分区:光学(OPTICS) - SCIE(Q1) 出版国家或地区:ENGLAND 出版周期:Monthly 出版年份:1980 年文章数:239...
期刊简称 OPT LASER ENG 期刊出版周期 Monthly 期刊出版社/管理机构 杂志由 Elsevier Science 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0143-8166 期刊主页 optics and lasers in engineering主页 期刊评价 您选择的optics and lasers in engineering的指数解析如下: 简介:OPT LASER ENG 杂志属于工程技术行业,“光学”子行业的偏低级别...