direction of polarization, which polarization-separating members have faces extending at an angle to the optical principal axis, while each polarization-separating member has a thickness in the direction of the optical principal axis and a width in a direction transverse to the optical principal axis...
The usual optical beams can be described as localized (e.g., bell-shaped) waves in space with rapidly decreasing intensity at increasing distances from the beam axis. Examples of such beams are Gaussian beam and hyperbolic-secant beam (see Fig.2a), which we often denote as “bright beams”...
Eq. (2) provides the rotation matrix for pan/tilt motions where the z-axis represents the principal axis, the x-axis is positive, right and the y-axis is positive, down. Pre-multiplying a set of points in global coordinates by the rotation matrix, R, then gives the new locations of ...
axis, respectively. The coordinate system O-x1x2x 3 must be fixed within the bulk specimen so as to make the orien- tation distribution of the crystal grains as highly symmetric as possible with respect to the coordinate axes. Thus, the axes x3 , x 2 , and x1 must be taken parallel ...
Redox ratio from NIR spectral range which as Y axis and redox ratio from visible (VIS) spectral range as Z axis. In order to get a 100% sensitivity, we did not take into account all the molecular ratio values in the distribution of each type, however, we took the median value of ...
With this method in principal also the defocus caused by the Gaussian beam profile along the z-axis can be numerically compensated. For more details the reader may refer to the references [34,35,36]. 3.4.7 High Speed OCT Since the beginning of the clinical use of OCT imaging devices in ...
The relative growth rate of KDP along [0 0 1]-crystallographic axis actually appears to be more than the predicted one (by BFDH). Table 1. List of various (hkl) facets along with their morphological importance for KDP crystal based on BFDH theory. (hkl)Facetsdhkl(Å)Comparative growth ...
. We used a InGaAs camera (OW1.7-VS-CL-LP-640, Raptor Photonics) with exposure time of 20 μs and a maximal frame rate of 120 Hz, and employed off-axis digital holography to record the complex-valued fields emitted from the fiber output facet in response to all possible MMF input...
Figure I illustrates the variation in second-order orientation factors of the three principal crystallographic axes of polyethylene crystal with respect to % elongation of the specimen along the MD at room temperature. The orientation factor of the k-th crystal axis is defined as Fk0 = (3 (cos...
FIG. 8c shows the same TTD module, flipped by 180° about a vertical axis in the plane of the figure. This orientation therefore provides for pulse coincidence ranging from upwards or downwards (90°, 270°) at V=0 to propagation to the right) (180°) at V=Vmax. This pair of module...