All installed sensing cables have been interrogated using the fTB 5020 from fibris Terre Systems GmbH (Germany). Based on the Brillouin optical frequency domain analysis (BOFDA) technique, this sensing unit enables distributed measurements up to 25 kilometers within a measurement time of several minu...
!11Markus AltmannForschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbHWorcesterMAUSARainer HerpersForschungszentrum fuer Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbHNeuherbergFederal Republic of GermanyIsabel KuenzerMedical Imaging 1995: Image Processing
sensors Review Review of the Usefulness of Various Rotational Seismometers with Laboratory Results of Fibre-Optic Ones Tested for Engineering Applications Leszek R. Jaroszewicz 1, Anna Kurzych 1,*, Zbigniew Krajewski 1, Paweł Marc´ 1, Jerzy K. Kowalski 2, Piotr Bobra 3, Zbigniew Zembaty...