Surface magnetoplasman-optic phonon modes have been measured in n-InSb in the geometry with magnetic field parallel to the surface-mode wave vector. Permanent address: Univ. of California, Irvine, Calif.doi:10.1016/0375-9601(73)90462-3E. D. Palik...
Raman scattering on single crystals of Eu3S4 does not show the allowed q=o phonon modes in the cubic phase and exhibits no new modes in the distorted low temperature phase (T<186 K). Above the Curie temperature Tc=3.8 K the scattering is dominated by a spin-disorder induced one-phonon ...
Incommensurate phases in systems with coupling between acoustic and optic modesTheoretical or Mathematical/ commensurate-incommensurate transformationsferroelectric transitionsphonon-phonon interactions/ incommensurate phaseslattice dynamicslow-temperature phasefrustration...
Direct evidence for a low-frequency phonon mode mechanism in the negative thermal expansion compound ZrW2O8 Accurate lattice parameters have been determined between 2 K and 520 K for the negative thermal expansion compound ZrW2O8, by high-resolution neutron powde... WIF David,JSO Evans,AW Sleight...
From this figure, we can clearly see the region of the ZO phonon branch that would correspond to the missing vibrational modes in the fullerene family. Visualization of highest Z modes In order to visually understand what has explained above, it is interesting to analyze how the ZO modes look...
Recently, Brillouin scattering in microfiber has attracted increasing interest because the microfiber can strongly confine both optical and acoustic modes at a nanoscale and provide a unique platform to investigate photon-phonon interactions [247–253]. For optical sensing, Brillouin scattering may ...
Phonon side band showed that the several local phonon modes, with the frequencies around 100 cm −1, were coupled to 4f electrons of Eu 3+. The nearest neighbors of Eu 3+ ions are composed of halogen ions that are part of well-structured complex such as tetrahedral [GaS 3/2Br] −...
Q. Lu, “Photon-phonon interaction in a microfiber induced by optical and electrostrictive forces,” Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 41849. Article ADS Google Scholar M. Cao, H. Li, M. Tang, Y. Mi, L. Huang, and G. Ren, “Forward stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical nanofibers,...
which facilitates highly efficient phonon‒photon coupling. Therefore, our devices have demonstrated the advantages of a BIC-based integrated photonic platform for achieving phonon‒photon coupling on a chip. The strong phonon‒photon coupling obtained in this work can be harnessed to develop a wi...
The Raman polarized spectra of NaBi(MoO4)2 single crystals have been measured in 20鈥 1000 cm1 and the wavenumbers of phonon modes have been determined using a fitting procedure. The Raman spectra are discussed on the basis of a factor group analysis and in terms of the influence defects':...