从开始菜单,启动 Intel® OptaneTM Memory and Storage Management。 选择Create RAID Volume 并按照说明配置 RAID。选择 RAID 级别 (volume type)。有关支持的 RAID 级别,请参阅RAID级别。 选择RAID 磁盘,然后选择 Next。 显示以下...
系统配置文件:这些文件用于配置 Intel(R) Optane(TM) Memory and Storage Management Component 的参数和选项,以确保其按预期工作。 库文件:这些文件包含了程序所需的函数和资源,以供 Intel(R) Optane(TM) Memory and Storage Management Component 调用和使用。 配置文件:一些配置文件可能被用来指定 Intel(R) Optan...
I really don't want to have to restart the computer every time I want to check on the RAID drivers. Or am I looking at this all wrong and there's a different way I should handle this now that Intel has changed how this works (like maybe the Intel O...
Intel® Optane™ Memory M10 系列(64GB,M.2 80mm,PCIe 3.0,20nm,3D Xpoint™) - 下載支援資源,包括驅動程式、軟體、BIOS 與韌體更新。
TypeCleanandpressEnter. Diskpart will proceed to low-level format the memory module. Once the command completes the command prompt may be closed. Rebootthe system,accessagain the Intel® Optane Memory and Storage Management application andenablethe Intel® Optane™ Memory. ...
Intel® Optane™ Memory and Storage Management 就是intel为Optane提供的一套管理软件,主界面如下,...
Intel® Memory and Storage Tool CLI(命令行介面) 5/2/2024 檢視詳細資料 Intel® Memory and Storage Tool (圖形使用者介面) 5/2/2024 檢視詳細資料 Intel® SSD Firmware Update Tool 4/10/2024 檢視詳細資料 適用於 Intel® Optane™ 記憶體的 Intel® RST CLI 專業版 ...
After checking the W680 mother board chipset and CPU's documentations, it was written that Intel RST is supported, and I did successfully set up Intel RAID through the BIOS and it was recognized in the system. The problem is that I cannot use software Intel Optane Memo...
Functionalities of the Intel® Optane™ Memory and Storage Management application The application is organized into five main areas that can be selected by using the navigation buttons on the left panel as shown below: Clickor the topic below to learn more about each of these main areas: ...
这个是 inter傲腾内存的和存储驱动的管理工具。属于驱动类软件。不是hp电脑自带,但硬件需要。不建议删除。