2Mb/58P[Old version datasheet]OPT4001-Q1 Automotive High-Speed, High-Precision, Digital Ambient Light Sensor JUNE 2024 More results Texas Instruments(TI)是一家公开交易的公司,设计和制造半导体和计算机技术产品。 它成立于1930年,总部位于德克萨斯州达拉斯。
Data sheet document-pdfAcrobat OPT4001-Q1 Automotive High-Speed, High-Precision, Digital Ambient Light Sensor datasheet (Rev. D) PDF | HTML A newer version of this product is available open-in-new Compare alternates Pin-for-pin with same functionality to the compared device OPT4003-Q1 ...
產品規格表 document-pdfAcrobat OPT4001-Q1 Automotive High-Speed, High-Precision, Digital Ambient Light Sensor datasheet (Rev. D) (英文) PDF | HTML 現在提供此產品的更新版本 open-in-new 比較替代產品 引腳對引腳且具備與所比較裝置相同的功能 OPT4003-Q1 車用高速、高精密度數位光源感測器 Added ...
https://e2e.ti.com/support/sensors-group/sensors/f/sensors-forum/1159937/opt4001-questions-about-datasheet 器件型号:OPT4001 大家好、 我对OPT4001有几个问题。 如何理解"具有9个二进制对数满量程光范围和一个范围内的高线性响应的半对数输出"
The code would require many changes in order to work with OPT4001 since the register maps and configuration is much different. The lux calculation is also different for the OPT4001. Please refer to the datasheet for information on how to configure the device. ...