The government said that donating organs would remain a personal decision and that people would continue to be able to record their decision to opt out at any point.Gareth IacobucciThe BMJEULARRMD Open
Byline: Madeleine BrindleyAN OPT-OUT system for organ donation could be abused, leading to another national body parts scandal, an inquiry has been told.The National Assembly's investigation into presumed consent has heard concerns that such a system would fly in the face of laws made after ...
BERLIN, April 1 (Xinhua) -- Germany should switch to an opt-out system for organ donation to boost the number of organs available to those in need of transplants, according to a draft law presented by a group of parliamentarians in the German Bundestag on Monday. Under the draft law, e...
Objectives To investigate the attitudes of the Jordanian population towards the practicality and effectiveness of introducing an opt-out organ donation system through legislative measures, with the aim of increasing donation rates. Design This cross-sectional study used a designed self-administered ...
Questioned by BILD whether opt-out legislation might spark popular fears that a mandatory organ donation system was the next step, Spahn said that such concerns would have to be addressed calmly by policymakers with "good arguments in a broad debate." The 38-year-old noted that he had persona...
As Wales prepares to become the first country of the United Kingdom to introduce an opt-out system for organ donation, a doctor writing in The BMJ this week, says support for such a system "is well intentioned but misguided."
An example of a nudge is an automatic default, such as the ones often used in organ donation legislative system. The rationale behind an automatic default is that it can bridge the gap between a good intention and the effort needed to implement that intention into practice. ...
A recent study by the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, in collaboration with the MSB Medical School Berlin and the Max Planck UCL Center for Computational Psychiatry and Aging Research, shows that switching to an opt-out organ donation policy,
which was implemented in 2015. The opt-out organ donation is defined as those aged 18 or over who choose to do nothing, and have lived in Wales for more than 12 months, will be regarded as having consented to organ donation. What’s more, this system is a soft one means where relativ...
摘要: The recent report of the UK government's Organ Donation Taskforce is in favour of continuing with the current organ donation system rather than changing to an opt-out system where people are assumed to be willing to donate. How did it reach this decision and is it correct?