It cites concerns by the nurses union The Royal College Nursing that staff will suffer in retirement if they are not properly informed about the consequences of opting out of a pension.BrodbeckSamCorporate Adviser (Online Edition)
opt-out (redirected fromopt-outs) Encyclopedia Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: [ˈɒptaʊt] A.ADJ 1.(Brit) [school, hospital] →autónomo(transferido de la administración local al gobierno central) 2.(esp Brit)opt-out clause→cláusulafdeexclusiónvoluntaria, claúsula...
It said a recent Freedom of Information (FOI) request by the Health Service Journal found nearly a quarter of a million (245,561) NHS staff had opted out of the NHS pension scheme in the past three years. NHS staff opting out of pensions After a move to South Carolina, I followed the...
STEPHANIE Wilson is angry.She says she was given bad pensions advice, but the company concerned still claims its recommendations were `appropriate'.Seven years ago Stephanie, then an information officer with North Birmingham Health Authority, contacted M&M Group.She had been in the NHS pension ...
Readers’ panel - Should trusts allow nurses to opt out of the NHS pension?Beverley Ramdeen