"希望,選擇,渴望",源於1877年的法語opter"選擇"(16世紀),源於拉丁語optare"選擇,渴望"(參見option)。最初幾年僅在法語環境下使用英語。同義詞optate(1610年代)源於拉丁語optatus。到1922年,opt out"選擇不參與"。相關詞彙:Opted;opting。 也來自:1877 ...
The meaning of OPT is to make a choice; especially : to decide in favor of something. How to use opt in a sentence.
"希望,选择,渴望",源于1877年的法语opter"选择"(16世纪),源于拉丁语optare"选择,渴望"(参见option)。最初几年仅在法语环境下使用英语。同义词optate(1610年代)源于拉丁语optatus。到1922年,opt out"选择不参与"。相关词汇:Opted;opting。 同样来自于: 1877 ...
The meaning of CO-OPT is to choose or elect as a member. How to use co-opt in a sentence.
opt meaning, definition, what is opt: to choose one thing or do one thing inst...: Learn more.
Opt is a Latin word meaning “to choose.” It is used in English as a verb, adjective, and noun. As a verb, it means “to select one from several possibilities.” As an adjective, it means “of the best quality or kind.” As a noun, it means “an option.” ...
opt out, [~ (+ of + object)] to decide not to participate in something:opted out of attending the show.See -opt-. -opt-, root. -opt- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning "choose; choice.'' This meaning is found in such words as: adopt, co-opt, opt, option, optional....
Opt-in vs Opt-out The concept itself isn’t too hard to understand. Opt-in meaning “Opt-in” is the process used to describe when anaffirmative action is requiredto subscribe a user to something, such as a newsletter list. In an opt-in system, explicit action is needed from the user...
biology. Whenever you have more than one alternative, you have the chance to opt for something. You can also opt out of something, or choose not to do it at all.Optcomes from the French verbopter, "to choose," from the Latin rootoptare, "desire," and it's related tooption. ...
1600, action of choosing; 1630s, power or liberty of choosing, from French option (Old French opcion), from Latin optionem (nominative optio) choice, free choice, liberty to choose. The meaning thing that may be chosen is attested from 1885. The commercial transaction sense of privilege ...