If you're repaying a student loan, paying into a workplace pension reduces your gross income which determines your student loan repayments. By opting out of your pension, your salary will increase which would increase the amount you're repaying, and may also impact any other benefits y...
Once an employee has been enrolled in a pension scheme automatically, they have the option to opt out during the opt-out period. In this article, you'll learn h
opt out的英英释义:to choose not to be part of an activity or to stop being involved in it 选择不参与或停止参与某项活动 例句:Employees can choose to opt out of the pension scheme. 员工可以选择退出养老金计划。I say, let's opt out. 我说,我们退出吧。opt out 的反义词是opt in, 表示...
It cites concerns by the nurses union The Royal College Nursing that staff will suffer in retirement if they are not properly informed about the consequences of opting out of a pension.BrodbeckSamCorporate Adviser (Online Edition)
Financial pressures prompting teachers to opt out of pension scheme follow us on social (Danny Lawson/PA ) Tara O'Connor 2 The number of teachers leaving the sector's pension scheme has increased by 14 per cent in the past year.
opt out的意思如下opt out (of sth)1决定退出;选择不参与 to choose not to take part in sthEmployees may opt out of the company's pension plan.雇员可选择不参加该公司的养老金计划。2(of a school or hospital in Britain 英国的学校或医院) 选择不受地方当局管理 to choose not to be under the ...
Define opt-outs. opt-outs synonyms, opt-outs pronunciation, opt-outs translation, English dictionary definition of opt-outs. opt-out. Translations. English: opt-out A. ADJ1. autónomo 2. opt-out clause cláusula f de exclusión voluntaria, claúsula f de
1、Morgan notified the Haslam administration of his decision toopt-out in a letter sent last week.(摩根在上周发出的一封信中通知了哈斯拉姆政府他退出的决定。) 2、Employees mayoptout of the company's pension plan.(雇员可选择不参加该公司的养老金计划。) ...
They opt for more holiday instead of more pay. 他们选择了延长假期而不是增加工资。 It's difficult to opt from so many choices. 从那样多可供选择的东西中做选择是困难的。 Employees may opt out of the company's pension plan. 雇员可选择不参加该公司的养老金计划。
to decide to make use of or take part in something: To receive automatic updates, opt in under the email notification section. to decide to withdraw from or not take part in something: You can opt out of the pension plan, but you lose the employer and government contribution. opt.2 abbr...