If you don't wish to participate in the Microsoft Rewards program, follow the instructions on the opt out page. Opt out Know that if you opt out, you'll lose all of your available points. Considerredeeming your pointsbefore you head out. Need more help? If you cannot find what y...
登录或创建一个 Microsoft 帐户,即可获得礼品卡、抽奖等等。* 您将收到有关 Microsoft Rewards 的电子邮件,其中包括有关 Microsoft 和合作伙伴产品的优惠。条款 | 隐私开始获取 开始很简单 登录 您可能已经是会员了。创建新帐户之前,请尝试用您的 Microsoft 帐户登录。 登录 访问Rewards 控制面板 这将完全激活...
Det er nemt at optjene Microsoft Rewards-point og optjene gode belønninger som gavekort, film, spil, almennyttige donationer og meget mere. Hold dig logget på med din Microsoft-konto, så optjener du point for at gøre de ting, du allerede gør. Her er nogle af...
Encourage employees to update software, enable firewalls, and strengthen their device security by launching a campaign that focuses on securing personal and work devices. Provide a checklist for employees to follow and think of a few fun rewards for completing it. 4. Share a “Daily Cybersecurity...
GenAI Pinnacle Program|AI/ML BlackBelt Courses Free Courses Generative AI|Large Language Models|Building LLM Applications using Prompt Engineering|Building Your first RAG System using LlamaIndex|Stability.AI|MidJourney|Building Production Ready RAG systems using LlamaIndex|Building LLMs for Code...
Sådan optjener du Microsoft Rewards på mobil Der er et par måder, hvorpå du kan optjene point på farten. Hvis du har en Android-enhed, kan du installere Microsoft Launcher for at få hurtig adgang til dit dashboard. På enhver mobilenhed kan du søge i Bing-...