It cites concerns by the nurses union The Royal College Nursing that staff will suffer in retirement if they are not properly informed about the consequences of opting out of a pension.BrodbeckSamCorporate Adviser (Online Edition)
Define opt-outs. opt-outs synonyms, opt-outs pronunciation, opt-outs translation, English dictionary definition of opt-outs. opt-out. Translations. English: opt-out A. ADJ1. autónomo 2. opt-out clause cláusula f de exclusión voluntaria, claúsula f de
It said a recent Freedom of Information (FOI) request by the Health Service Journal found nearly a quarter of a million (245,561) NHS staff had opted out of the NHS pension scheme in the past three years. NHS staff opting out of pensions After a move to South Carolina, I followed the...
Readers’ panel - Should trusts allow nurses to opt out of the NHS pension?Beverley Ramdeen
STEPHANIE Wilson is angry.She says she was given bad pensions advice, but the company concerned still claims its recommendations were `appropriate'.Seven years ago Stephanie, then an information officer with North Birmingham Health Authority, contacted M&M Group.She had been in the NHS pension ...