Opt. Express:设计和制造具有相位滤波器的光学探头以扩展焦深 Xing, J., Kim, J. & Yoo, H. Design and fabrication of an optical probe with a phase filter for extended depth of focus.Opt. Express24, 1037–1044 (2016). 焦深扩展方法的分类在光学系统中,有三种主要方法用于扩展焦深(DOF)。第一种...
Opt. Express 29, 40524–40537 (2021). 研究问题和目标 本文主要研究问题是如何扩展高倍率和高数值孔径成像应用中的景深,例如显微镜,其景深天然较浅,导致图像既有焦内区域也有焦外区域。本文的目标是提出一种方法,使用自由曲面相位板创建可变立方波前,从而在各种数值孔径下实现景深的扩展,这一方法的灵感来源于Alvarez...
《Optics Express》(《光学快车》)是一本由The Optical Society出版的物理-光学学术刊物,该刊是国际一流期刊,主要刊载物理-光学相关领域研究成果与实践,旨在打造一种学术水平高、可读性强、具有全球影响力的学术期刊。本刊已入选SCIE来源期刊。该刊创刊于1997年,出版周期Semimonthly。2023年发布的影响因子为3.2。
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Opt Express We show a scheme for achieving high-speed operation for carrier-injection based silicon electro-optical modulator, which is optimized for small size and high modulation depth. The performance of the device is analyzed theoretically and a... Q Xu,S Manipatruni,B Schmidt,... - 《...
11, No. 15 / OPTICS EXPRESS 1735 0.3 SRS Gain (dB) 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.8 Pump Power (W) Fig. 3. The maxima from each spectral scan are plotted against effective pump power coupled into the front facet of the waveguide. A maximum of 0.25 dB (6%) amplification is obtained. 1.2 ...
Opt Express We show a scheme for achieving high-speed operation for carrier-injection based silicon electro-optical modulator, which is optimized for small size and high modulation depth. The performance of the device is analyzed theoretically and a... Q Xu,S Manipatruni,B Schmidt,... - 《...
本文将WSAO-OCT系统用于人感光细胞镶嵌体体内成像,通过对视网膜上的几个偏心点成像,对该系统性能进行了验证,并证明了WSAO补偿能够改善对光感受器的可见度。文章以“In vivoimaging of human photoreceptor mosaic with wavefrontsensorless adaptive optics optical coherence tomography”为题发表于Biomed Opt Express.。
在临床前和临床双折射组织样本的脉管系统研究中,将发挥出一定作用。文章以“Polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography for imagingmicrovascular information within living tissue without polarization-inducedartifacts”为题发表于Biomedical Optics Express。
Optical hyperlens: Far-field imaging beyond the diffraction limit,鈥Opt. Express 14 We propose an approach to far-field optical imaging beyond the diffraction limit. The proposed system allows image magnification, is robust with respect to material losses and can be fabricated by adapting existing ...