Olweus D, Breivik K. Plight of victims of school bullying: The opposite of well-being. In: Ben-Arieh A, Casas F, Frones I, Korbin JE, editors. Handbook of child well-being Netherlands: Springer; 2014. p. 2593-2616.Olweus D, Breivik K. Plight of victims of school bullying: The ...
The Opposite Sex: Directed by David Miller. With June Allyson, Joan Collins, Dolores Gray, Ann Sheridan. Former nightclub singer Kay Hilliard, married 10 years and mother of a young daughter, is informed that her husband Steven is having an affair with c
In this study, 53 students who reported being solely or primarily attracted to members of the same sex were matched with 53 peers who reported being attracted solely to members of the opposite sex on various demographic factors as well as exposure to bullying at school. Data relating to tobacco...
Synonyms for WELL-BEING: welfare, interest, health, happiness, sake, success, good, weal; Antonyms of WELL-BEING: ill-being, suffering, unsoundness, unhappiness, sadness, misery, unhealthiness, wretchedness
Opposite-sex attraction in most mammals depends on the fine-tuned integration of pheromonal stimuli with gonadal hormones in the brain circuits underlying sexual behaviour. Neural activity in these circuits is regulated by sensory processing in the acces
5. Of course, it's important to identify situations where emotional influences may not be helpful as well. "How to tell signals when we need to use rational tools may be better at reflecting on whether an emotion will be helpful or not in a given situation. They can then make their ...
Romantic relationship quality is an important factor for well-being. Most research on romantic relationships is based on heterosexual couples, but studies of different types of dyads showed that relationship functioning among same-sex couples is similar to that among heterosexual couples. However, a fe...
Role of husband's attitude towards the usage of contraceptives for unmet need of family planning among married women of reproductive age in Pakistan Family planning services deliver a wide range of benefits to the well-being of females and the community. It can curtail the risk of maternal and...
It's not easy having a relationship when you live atoppositeends of the country. 人虽同国却各处东西;在这种情况下相好,谈何容易。 牛津词典 I could see smoke coming from the windows of the house directlyopposite. 我能看到烟从正对面的窗户里冒出来。
It is well established that boys are born heavier and longer than girls, but it remains unclear whether birth size in twins is affected by the sex of their co-twin. We conducted an individual-based pooled analysis of 21 twin cohorts in 15 countries deriv