A rather dull and ho-hum TV show about the lives of three teenage boys who attend Evergreen Academy, a previous all-female school.This series is more of those atypical chick flicks with drawn-out teenage fare and sappy puppy-love relationships that really doesn't give for a good story. ...
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Jack dude 不变的是变化 The terms "cis" and "trans" have different meanings depending on the context. In chemistry, they refer to the spatial arrangement of atoms or groups around a double bond, while in gender studies, they refer to a person's gender identity. ...
Synonyms for MALE: masculine, virile, manly, man-sized, mannish, man-size, macho, manlike; Antonyms of MALE: unmanly, unmasculine, feminine, effeminate, girlish, womanly, sissy, metrosexual