Recent Examples of Synonyms for children outcomes consequences toddlers products boys Noun This allows quantum computers to process sizable amounts of data and explore countless potential outcomes at once. Trefis Team, Forbes, 24 Dec. 2024 Asked about some of the biggest challenges facing the state...
loading examples... < prev|next > DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word‘opposite'. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion ofVocabulary.comor its editors.Send us feedback...
Recent Examples of Synonyms for kid (oneself) conceal veil hide obscure contradict Verb With its sweeping hood concealing a 382 hp, 3.0-liter BMW M TwinPower Turbo inline-six engine, and with M light-alloy wheels (19-inch at the front and 20-inch at the back) wrapped in ultra-sticky Mi...
Geometry for Kids 6 chapters | 45 lessons Ch 1. Overview of Geometry for Elementary... Ch 2. Angles for Elementary School What Are Interior Angles? - Definition & Examples Interior Angles of a Polygon | Definition, Formula & Calculation 3:54 Acute Angle | Definition, Measurement & Exa...
Here are some anonymized examples of student work from the opposite day writing activity, showcasing Ms. Brown’s students from Dennis Elementary! These kids did an amazing job! You can do this too in your classroom! Opposite Day activities in the classroom are super fun! They not only enl...
It’s hard to find examples of healthy platonic opposite-sex relationships in books and films and TV shows, so real life modelling is even more crucial at the moment. Reply Anon on April 23, 2021 at 3:44 pm Yes, having my mother constantly talking about me ‘fancying’ boys (...
other words, the middle of the poem is a list of everything you do differently from normal days. So, think of as many backward, reverse, and opposite things as possible and write them down. You don’thaveto rhyme them, but it’s fun to try. Here are a few examples I thought of:...
The researchers looked through 27 reports on arm wrestling injuries. There were 68 examples of this kind of elbow break. About 93% of the injuries happened to teens between 13 and 16 years old. It often takes effort to treat the breaks. Even after getting treatment, patients may still feel...
But then, even at a club level, I can think of examples where coaches don’t want other clubs to know how their crews are going. So, as one of the respondents to the original tweet commented, you could understand why we might not want other nations to see too much about our trials,...
The natural world is full of examples of what biologists call convergent evolution—instances where unrelated creatures developed similar traits in response to similar evolutionary pressures. But can that convergence include the interactions of differentspeciesthat evolve under similar conditions?