The indicator in the graph was calculated using the event coincidence analysis (Package CoinCalc) under R. The smoothed curve was calculated by local regression (lowess). This indicator represents the trigger coincidence rate for the adoption of millet by the villages, according to an annual ...
6 UMUMVOC 3 (m/z 55, 69, 89) Unknown NA Y 2.02E-04 12.64 0.962 10.45 1.002 7.33 0.993 6.77 0.385 6.38 0.237 8 UMUMVOC 4 (m/z 49, 84) Unknown NA Y 1.84E-03 13.81 0.314 13.47 0.338 11.75 0.248 12.32 0.418 12.41 0.311 17 UMUMVOC 5 (m/z 41, 55, 70, 91) Unknown NA Y...
What's the difference between opportunity cost and marginal rate of substitution? Scarcity, choice, and opportunity cost can be illustrated with the aid of a production possibilities curve (PPC), also called a Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF). In terms of the above statement,...
Spraying was performed with the aid of an aerograph atomizer previously calibrated, as described by Fukami et al. (2016), delivering 1 mL of inoculum per plant. For leaf-spray, the surface of the jars was covered with aluminum foil to avoid inoculum runoff from the leaves to the substrate...
An AI program has been developed based on genotypes of patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, differentiating between the 2 diseases based on 200 genetic markers, with an area under curve (AUC) of 0.82. This was the first study to show robust prediction of the development of psoriatic...
Theproductionpossibilitiesfrontier(PPF)•Acurvethatshowsthemaximumcombinationsoftwooutputsthataneconomycanproduce,assuming:–resourcesarefixedduringthetimeperiod–resourcesarefullyemployed–technologyisunchanged.7 ThePPF 8 ThePPF(cont.)•ThePPFshowsallefficientoutputcombinationswhereaneconomycanproducemoreofoneoutput...
(thelinewiththediamonds). ProducingonthePPFmeansallresourcesarefullyutilized;thisiscalled productiveefficiency.AnycombinationofgoodsbelowthePPFcurve(ex. greentriangle)canalsobeproduced,butresourceswillbeunderemployed.Any pointoutsideofthePPF(ex.square)representsacombinationofgoodsthatis notattainableTODAY. 0 2 ...
We obtained the following findings: firstly, although the distributions of these cryptocurrency time series have a bell curve shape at all timescales considered, they are not (from the Q-Q plot and Lilliefors test) normally distributed; secondly, however, there appears to be evidence to say that...
Carvajal-Zarrabal, O.; Hayward-Jones, P.M.; Orta-Flores, Z.; Nolasco-Hipolito, C.; Barradas-Dermitz, D.M.; Aguilar-Uscanga, M.G.; Pedroza-Hernandez, M.F.; et al. Effect of hibiscus sabdariffa l. Dried calyx ethanol extract on fat absorption-excretion, and body weight implication ...
Plant mixtures may also exhibit an inverted U-shaped dose-effect curve of purification level vs. bioactivity, i.e., bioactivity increases up to a certain point in which the increase of the purity leads to the loss of some important compound, with the concomitant drop in bioactivity. Therefore...