【opportunity cost】机会成本 Costassociated with opportunities that are forgone when a firm’s resources are notput to their best alternative use. 与厂商未将资源用于其他可供选择的最佳用途而放弃的机会相联系的一种成本。 成本是最高的代价。你去理发,收费100元,那是你理发成本的一部分。理发时间...
Actual cost refers to the expenditure on producing a given quantity of a good. It consists of monetary payments made for the hired inputs plus the imputed value of the inputs and services provided by the firm itself. Thus, actual cost is the cost of all resources used in producing a part...
The meaning of OPPORTUNITY COST is the added cost of using resources (as for production or speculative investment) that is the difference between the actual value resulting from such use and that of an alternative (such as another use of the same resourc
Simply stated, an opportunity cost is the cost of a missed opportunity. Applied to a business decision, opportunity cost might refer to the profit a company could have earned from its capital, equipment, and real estate if these assets had been used in a different way. The concept of ...
A decision always has a lost opportunity, and each opportunity has losses and gains. Opportunity value less actual gain is an estimation of the opportunity cost. The same choice will have different opportunity costs for different people.
opportunity cost是什么意思 释义 机会成本; opportunity cost英英释义 noun the added cost of using resources (as for production or speculative investment) that is the difference between the actual value resulting from such use and that of an alternative (such as another use of the same resources or...
Opportunity cost is the cost of the next best alternative that is foregone. The opportunity cost of resources is the benefit of production that is foregone by employing the resources in the current production method. It is an important factor that is considered while allocating...
17. The opportunity cost of his time is $5 per hour. 固定成本鱼竿10元,他的时间机会成本是5元/小时。 18. Cheng Kaixun discloses, of million message medium appear on the market financing already was in the program, the lever of market of capital of have the aid of will expand actual str...
•DepreciationCostMeasurement.Accountingdepreciation(e.g.,straight-linedepreciation)tendstohavelittlerelationshiptotheactuallossofvalue »Toaneconomist,theactuallossofvalueisthetruecostofusingmachinery.•InventoryValuation.Accountingvaluationdependsonitsacquisitioncost »Economistsviewthecostofinventoryasthecostof...
including both monetary and non-monetary considerations, to arrive at an optimal balance that minimizes opportunity costs. Because opportunity cost is a forward-looking consideration, the actualrate of return (RoR)for both options is unknown at that point, making this evaluation tricky in practice. ...