Constant opportunity costs指PPC线上一个点移动到另一个点需要牺牲相同的资源,用图像表示该PPC是一条直线。 例如图一,当想要生产capital goods 由50单位增加到100 单位,需要牺牲相同单位的consumer goods也就是50单位 。Increasing opportunity cost指PPC线上一个点移动到另一个点是为了多产一种产品而牺牲了更多生产...
正确答案:Cost of using train pm = $350.Cost of using the car pm = $250 + $25 = $275 Opportunity cost of using the train = $350 - $275 = $75 per month
A- level/AP/IB Economics Class 课程,全英文讲解知识点和经济学案例,双语字幕教学本期课程【Opportunity Cost2|机会成本2】指路到视频末尾处,欢迎来聊天玩耍,有什么不明白的点欢迎随时来问!!!还有更多的因吹斯汀的课程即将上线~ 知识 校园学习 教育 春日学习打卡Cheese...
Jayne decides to use the train to get to work rather than driving each day. The train fare each month will be $350. After one month she calculates that she is spending$250 less on petrol and about $25 less on maintaining her car. What is the opportunity cost of using the train? . ...
如果对于学习存在疑问,欢迎添加微信13021951457,稍后老师会将学生加入“青藜苑A-level学习群”(仅限学生本人加入),大家可以在群中畅聊学习中的问题,享受学习的乐趣。 01:opportunity cost机会成本 Definition: Opportunity cost: the best...
青藜苑A-level Econ干货来袭——【01: opportunity cost 机会成本】 青藜苑老师结合A-level Economics考试梳理了常考的基本概念,第一期的讲解内容聚焦在AS阶段paper 1的选择题中常见的30个基本概念,每次文末会配合历年考题让大家进行练习,答案讲解会出现在下一篇概念分享中,因此学生们可以在学习之余进行自测,并在下...
Opportunity cost只做名词,是经济学词汇,意思是“机会成本”,正式的解释为:Thebest thingthat you mu...
Opportunity cost The benefit forgone from not choosing the next best alternative. 音频列表 1 010-第一个基本问题-生产什么-What to produce-GCSE/ALevel经济学 361 2019-01 2 009-选择中的3个基本问题-3 Basic Questions- GCSE/A Level经济学
Opportunitycostofattendingamovie:opportunitycostofticketsopportunitycostoftime Marginalanalysis Marginalbenefit=additionalbenefitresultingfromaone-unitincreaseinthelevelofanactivity Marginalcost=additionalcostassociatedwithone-unitincreaseinthelevelofanactivity Netbenefit Individualsarenotexpectedto...
I ultimately decided to spend that day with my friend and give up the opportunity to earn money because seeing my friend was more valuable to me. However, the opportunity cost to do so was clear. Any decision that requires you to make a choice between at least two options has an opportun...