oppo主题商店国际版也叫做Theme Store,这是oppo手机自带的一款主题商店,各位oppo机主们可以通过这款商店来对自己手机设置主题以及下载各种应用等等,软件内提供了大量丰富多样的主题内容,包括壁纸、图标、字体、锁屏样式等。用户可以根据自己的喜好和风格,选择适合自己的主题进行个性化定制,如果不想自己定制还可以使用商店内...
oppo主题商店原名叫:Theme Store,内置于OPPO手机的个性化主题工具,它不仅提供了丰富的壁纸和主题资源,还允许用户借助DIY功能,自由创作独一无二的壁纸。软件内主题与壁纸种类繁多,内容全面,充分满足了用户多样化的需求。此外,还有多样的字体设置等你探索,例如添加拼音标注的功能,丰富多样的选项期待你的体验! 软件优势 1、...
oppo主题国际版Theme Store 软件大小:48.46MB 更新时间:2024-06-25 16:29:28 软件版本:v11.5.0 软件等级: 软件语言:简体中文 应用类型:其他应用 oppo主题国际版为用户带来全新个性化主题界面,平台内所提供的主题内容是非常丰富的,可以很好的满足用户多个场景使用需求,免费享受到各种新主题的用法,以及海量趣味小组件...
OPPO主题商店老版本下载(Theme Store)(易速软件园提供下载)是一款能对手机设备的屏幕桌面显示效果进行自由更换以带给小伙伴们更多新鲜用机娱乐体验的Android主题美化类应用软件。在这款软件中,无论是更换桌面壁纸还是对手机字体、铃声等模块内容进行切换使用都是会让小伙伴们感到十分方便的,并且丰富的壁纸、字体、铃声等...
You can check your OPPO phone's Theme Store for an update. Go to [Theme Store] on your home screen, and then tap [ Me] at the bottom right > [ Settings] at the top right corner > [Check for updates]. If an update is available, tap [Update now] / [Update]. ...
Confirm if your location has access to the Theme StoreVerify user's location has access to the Theme Store by checking the app and its regional availability. Some countries/regions do not support the use of the Theme Store.Clear the data and cache of System Launcher...
Theme Store • Categories • A new theme • Another theme • And another theme The notification shade features only notifications and nothing else. The toggles, brightness bar, music controls, Oppo Quick Share, and various app shortcuts are all placed in a Control Center-like second shade...
Themes:You can change the preselected theme by downloading a new one from the OPPO Theme Store. Themes can have their own wallpaper, font, home screen icon style, accent color, etc. There's nothing new in particular regarding themes. For some reason, the Theme Store app is region restricte...
Lock and home screens, the app drawer As any other Oppo, you can spruce up the UI with Themes. The Theme Store features both whole themes and just wallpapers, sorted into categories (including free and paid ones. Themes The notification shade features notifications, quick toggles, and a brigh...
With the OPPO Theme Store, you have the power to personalize your phone's home screen to your liking. You can customize everything from widgets and fonts to app icons, and even save your preferred themes in the OPPO Theme Store app. Check out the FAQ section for guidance on locating ...