Phone Link is an app that were published by Microsoft and were installed in Windows PC. Here are some features that I find very useful on a daily basis. 1. Open mobile apps on your PC. This might be useful for people who need to open apps on their PC. 2. Make calls and send mess...
IT之家 11 月 16 日消息,在今日上午的 2023 OPPO 开发者大会上,OPPO 宣布与微软合作,让 ColorOS 14 支持 Phone Link,也就是和 Windows 11/10 电脑进行连接,同步消息和内容。据介绍,ColorOS 14 带来诸多移动办公工具,突破设备限制,用户随时随地开启高效办公:随身工作台:登录个人账号,就能在任意设备的浏...
还没有人评论过,快来抢首评 发布 Phone Link,只需简单操作,即可轻松连接手机与 Windows 电脑;一键拖拽,快速同步跨端文件。ColorOS14 智慧互联,让工作更高效。ColorOS OPPO拳击那点事 发布于:江西省 2025.02.15 00:00 +1 首赞 收藏 Phone Link,只需简单操作,即可轻松连接手机与 Windows 电脑;一键拖拽,快速同步...
Note: For non-OPPO devices that can't install the OPPO Clone Phone application, you should modify your phone's security for it to be able to install third-party applications. For iOS Tap or copy and then paste this link to your browser's address bar:
在2023年的OPPO开发者大会上,OPPO宣布与微软合作推出ColorOS 14的Phone Link功能,使用户能够通过该功能与Windows 11/10电脑进行连接并同步消息和内容。据官方介绍,ColorOS 14还带来了多项移动办公工具,让用户可以随时随地开启高效办公。 具体来说,ColorOS 14的随身工作台功能允许用户登录个人账号后,在任意设备的浏览器上...
Note: For non-OPPO devices that can't install the OPPO Clone Phone application, you should modify your phone's security for it to be able to install third-party applications.For iOSTap or copy and then paste this link to your browser's address bar:
例如,通过识屏采集和闪速抠图功能,可快速提取文字、图片、链接等内容,集中存放至中转站之后,还具备在手机、电脑、平板上一端存入、多端调用的能力。OPPO还与微软达成 Phone Link战略合作,手机无需额外下载任何应用即可与Windows电脑无缝互联。另一个直观的变化就是——“从人找服务到服务找人”。这里有一个例子:...
AndesGPT ,全新 ColorOS 14 围绕效率提升和专属服务打造出一系列创新体验:全局融合创作,用户通过识屏采集和闪速抠图功能,可快速提取文字、图片、链接等内容;新增的中转站功能,支持将各处提取的内容集中存放,还具备在手机、电脑、平板上一端存入、多端调用的能力;OPPO与微软达成 Phone Link 战略合作,在 ColorOS...
Open the scan code link in the computer "PC Connect" 2. Turn on the camera in the phone to scan the code 3. The computer card found on the mobile phone pops up, click to establish a connection Customize your Omoji Share your Omoji with the world...
oppocarlink怎么使用Applink怎么用? OPPO Carlink, a vehicle-mounted solution introduced by OPPO smartphones, enables seamless connectivity between OPPO devices and automobiles. Here's a guide on how to utilize OPPO Carlink: 1. Verify your OPPO phone's operating system, ensuring it's ColorOS 3.0...