I download their sorry excuse of a flashing tool and I'm greeted with this: Everywhere I click I get text in Chinese! {Mod edit: Inappropriate language in thread title edited. Oswald Boelcke, Senior Moderator} frituurvet Thread Nov 4, 2023 ...
Obviously, there are certain devices, which will be more compatible with this latest version than others. Therefore, we are going to provide you with a list of devices, which are compatible with this firmware flashing tool. Please see further information below. The next thing you have to do ...
As a result of this, you would be able to unbrick your OnePlus 11 by flashing the EDL/OPS firmware using the MSM Download Tool which has now been renamed and revamped to Flash Tool. With that said, here are some of the noteworthy features of this tool: Features of MSM Download Tool fo...
including F5, A71 and others is available. Only problem being the tool for flashing the ROM isn’t released yet. So in this post, we are going to share a tool to crack the stock ROM and flash it on
7.下载ADB工具包并解压全部文件,运行tool.bat (下载地址) 8.在ADB命令行中输入解锁命令后回车 fastboot flashing unlock 输入命令然后回车 9.手机会弹出以下界面,使用音量键选择Unlock the BootLoader,按电源键确认 选择最下面那个 10.手机会清除数据恢复出厂设置,重启到语言选择界面。BL锁解锁成功 ...