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Find N2 Flip 配备有自研马里亚纳® MariSilicon X 影像 NPU 芯片,且在拍摄时会协同使用马里亚纳® MariSilicon X 影像 NPU 芯片与手机 SoC 芯片。 用户可在设置中选择不同刷新率,最高支持 120Hz。 该产品屏幕平整度接近镜面,打开状态转轴上方屏幕区域对折处没有明显干扰使用与视觉体验的折线,属于主观感受,因不...
Experience new OPPO Find N2 Flip in 360 view, like the the generous 3.26” cover screen and the foldable design. See it from every stunning angle.
OPPO Find N2 Flip 22% 360° 视图 360° 自由翻转 每个角度都很自信 慕紫 雅黑 流金 调整展开角度 合上 展开 *模型仅供参考展示,实际以实物为准 遇到问题?请联系我们 在线客服 24 小时全国热线95018 Find系列专属服务热线4001095018 OPPO官方服务中心
OPPO Find N2 Flip新机上手攻略,带您了解新机养护小贴士、尊享服务权益、亮点功能等,让您使用爱机更安心。
The front camera of the OPPO Find N2 Flip is equipped with a powerful fill light feature, enabling you to capture stunning photos even in low-light situations. This feature is designed to activate automatically when the environment is dark, ensuring that you always get the perfect shot, ...
The OPPO Find N2 Flip hinge deco is designed with a zero-gap fit on the upper and lower middle frames. However, with prolonged use, scratches may appear on both sides of the hinge deco. Hard sand/dust particles or other external factors can cause this. Despite the scratches, there is no...
The OPPO Find N2 Flip features a cover screen camera for taking pictures. However, users should note that this camera does not support manual focus. Due to the limited size of the cover screen, there is no space for manual focus controls. Continue reading to learn more about this. ...
Anten NFC của OPPO Find N2 Flip nằm cách mặt sau camera khoảng 0,7cm. Để đạt hiệu suất tốt nhất, nên sử dụng khu vực này để đọc hoặc quẹt thẻ NFC và di chuyển thẻ qua trái hoặc phải theo ...
Moving an app directly to the cover screen from the main screen of the OPPO Find N2 Flip will not affect other operations on the main screen. Find out more below. Will other apps be affected while moving apps to the cover screen