complaint raised will be resolved in 4 working hours* Requirements Customer need to register for Platinum care by calling our Hotline between 9AM to 7PM, sending an email to or contact us through OPPO's official support page of Facebook or Twitter page @OPPOCareIN...
{{filterStock(item.salesStatus, item.stockStatus)}} x{{item.qty}} {{dataList.symbol}}{{item.originPrice}} {{dataList.symbol}}{{item.nowPrice}} {{list.displayName}} {{filterStock(list.salesStatus, list.stockStatus)}} x{{list.qty}} {{dataList.symbol}}{{list.originPrice}}-{{data...
This Personal Information Protection Statement (“Privacy Statement”) sets the purpose, method, scope of our collection, and use of your personal information in ’relation to OPPO customer service, your rights with your personal information, and the security measures we take to protect your personal...
可以通过以下任一方式购买OPPO Care: 通过OPPO官网或OPPO专卖店购买手机时绑定购买。 购机3天内,通过以下渠道购买:拨打OPPO客服、热线,OPPO专卖店、OPPO官网、OPPO+APP、OPPO客服微信公众号。 购机7天内,在OPPO客户服务中心购买。 您的所有顾虑,我们帮您解除! @怕手滑、怕修机的你,可别再错过啦!本文由百家号作者...
OPPO Care+ 及屏碎保补购时间调整为 7 天,5 月 10 日起实施 IT之家 4 月 15 日消息,OPPO 宣布调整官方服务中心屏碎保及 OPPO Care+ 补购时间,由“设备激活后 30 天内”调整为“设备激活后 7 天内”,5 月 10 日起更新政策。IT之家查询 OPPO 官网总结当前政策如下:屏碎保的服务内容就是在服务有效...
Call your local OPPO customer care or look up your nearest local OPPO service center. Tell them your problem and explain you don't know the security questions. After confirmation, follow the instruction provided by your local OPPO service and reset the privacy password. ...
If no recovery email or Oppo ID is linked to your Oppo smartphone, then you should consider contacting your local Oppo service to reset the privacy password without security questions. Find out the local Oppo customer care or visit the nearest service center to get help from the experts. ...
OPPO Care+:OPPO 越“CARE”,用户就越不用“CARE”OPPO Care+提供的三大硬核保障包括:享受整机意外保一年、延长保一年及电池焕新服务。购机第一年,可获得1次免费维修服务;购机第二年,可免费更换1次电池;此外,还有一年期限的主机延长保修,期限内用户同样可获免费维修服务。用户不仅能省下手机维修的费用,减少选择修理...
就可以了!拥有一份专属保障服务权益,新机畅快玩,零担忧,OPPO Care+ 包含整机意外保1年、延长保1年、电池焕新,兰博基尼版另外包含【以换代修】权益,保您无后顾之忧!时时刻刻消除您的玩机顾虑,给您更贴心的服务体验,更周到的服务关怀。如若手机遇到这些情况,看看 OPPO Care+ 怎么帮您解忧~【权益一】整机...
OPPO Care保障服务产品,包含屏碎保一年、后盖保一年、延长保一年,主要针对于玻璃、陶瓷后盖的机型。拥有它,能享受以下权益:A. 屏幕/后盖意外碎裂,在1年内可免费更换1次原装屏幕/电池盖组件。B. 除手机“三包”一年联保外,延长保修时间,延保期内对主机提供保修服务(手机附件不在延保范围内)。这样的超值服务...