最后不能打开了,他找到笔者,笔者从事手机维修八年,擅长手机刷机解锁,最后用软件成功解锁,当然工具还可以解高通CP的机子,比如OPPOR11S OPPOR11 OPPOR9S OPPOA57,还有OPPOR9M OPPOA59S OPPOA59M OPPOA37M等全系列 将工具下载到电脑上 首先将手机完全关机,手机屏幕上不能有字,关机之后先按住音量减 (有些机型是按...
flashing the firmware flash file. Since the Oppo A37M is powered by a MediaTek processor, you’ll need to use the SP Flash tool to flash the Stock ROM image. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of flashing the firmware file on your Oppo A37M using the SP Flash tool....