Get the latest OPPO firmware updates to optimize system performance and enhance system stability. Download the latest ColorOS software version now!
i can't even update chrome now i deleted everything on my phone and it still has that max storage icon on it i can't update the fucking google chrome and i don't have even one game on my fucking usless a37f what kind of a phone is that ya'll fuckers deserve bankrupt...
With these instructions, you will know whether you could open your OPPO A37 back cover. If your smartphone has other issues, you should send it to the nearest service center to check your phone status. Other helpful links: Download the Latest Firmware Update of your OPPO A37 Check the Warran...
1,首先,先下载好你OPPO A37手机的官方线刷资源包:2,如为A37m全网通版,请下载:,如为A37t移动版,请下载 :,下载后,解压出来,先安装好里面的刷机驱动文件。再通过内置的MTK DownloadTool 工具进行...
Hi everyone, I am looking for a custom ROM for my Oppo A98. Here are the details of my device: - Model: Oppo A98 - Current Firmware: ColorOS 14.0 - Features I'm looking for: better ui customization, better battery optimization, and improved performance. I am willing to test the ROM ...
i can't even update chrome now i deleted everything on my phone and it still has that max storage icon on it i can't update the fucking google chrome and i don't have even one game on my fucking usless a37f what kind of a phone is that ya'll fuckers deserve bankrupt Reply ?
进入“查找手机”选择“锁定”--重新设置密码,重新设置后的密码就是手机新的锁屏密码;如果你的手机没有设置指纹加密,也未开启查找手机功能,需要带齐手机购 买时发票+保修卡,(购买凭证丢失,可带上本人身份证+身份证复印件)服务中心会对手机刷回出厂原始状态,但是手机资料将无法保留 忘记...
How can i upgrade my firmware from lolipop to Marshmllow or nougat ?? Reply ? Anonymous X}$ 09 Feb 2018 good performence Reply V Varun 7kY 04 Feb 2018 Best performance Reply J Jrdn sxr 04 Feb 2018 Anonymous, 05 Jan 2018My Oppo A37 charging time is 3hours until it fully charge...
无法解决的话,可以参考此方法:通过售后平台工具,对OPPO Reno2Z(PCKM80)手机进行刷机解锁操作。 OPPO Reno2Z(PCKM80)手机需要授权官刷,无法自行解决的话,可以联 分享回复1 oppo吧 d回口回b 求助!!请问这个开发者模式怎么取消掉?版本那里点了几下就...
OPPO A37t刷机教程: 1、下载OPPO A37t线刷包+刷机工具:链接: 密码:eqz2,下载后解压出来。 2、打开“MTK通用驱动”文件夹,根据自己的系统,双击“dpinstX86.exe”或“dpinstAmd64.exe”安装驱动。 3、打开“平台及资料”文件夹,双击“DownloadTool.ex 分享38 oppo吧 oppo...