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“Oppenheimer” (2023): The biography of Julius Robert Oppenheimer was brought to the screen in this movie, based on the biographical work “American Prometheus” by author Kai Bird. The character of Julius Robert Oppenheimer was played by Cillian Murphy and directed by Christopher Nolan. Related... ➔ Movie That’s Wine! ➔ Movie HyperCinema ➔ EventMovie Letterboxd 2022 Year in Review ➔ Annual ReportMovie Very Good Films ➔ MovieSingle Serving Ghostbusters Afterlife ➔ Movie Against The Grain Landing PageMovie
From its astounding portrayal of historic events to the dedicated cast, “Oppenheimer” is not a movie but an experience from beginning to end. Courtesy Universal Pictures via Wikimedia Commons ByLeon Arceo July 29, 2023 Written and directed by Christopher Nolan, “Oppenheimer” is a bio...
Source: Wikimedia/ Fair use Christopher Nolan’s new film,Oppenheimer,shot in 70mm IMAX format with no CGI, is a wonder to behold. Even the sound design and Ludwig Göransson’s musical score add robust emotional depth. The aim is to give the viewer a deeper look into J. Robert Oppenhe...