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ON 4K ULTRA HD, BLU-RAY™, DVD & TO DOWNLOAD & KEEP Title: OppenheimerStarring: Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr., Florence Pugh, Josh Hartnett, Casey Affleck with Rami Malek and Kenneth Branagh Director: Christopher Nolan Runtime: 180 minutesFormats: 4K, Blu-...
An algorithm for calculating the nucleus–nucleus correlation function (i.e., the probability density of one nucleus in the reference frame where the other one is at the origin) was derived, implemented, and used to depict all bound states of HD + with zero rotational energy....
Wolniewicz, L., & Orlikowski, T. (1991). The 1s\(\sigma _{g}\)and 2p\(\sigma _{u}\)states of the H2+, D2+and HD+ions.Molecular Physics, 74, 103–111. ArticleCASGoogle Scholar Download references Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the Polish National Science Centre,...
Epic Rap Battles of History 1 人观看 4年前,YouTube 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Igonkin Sergey 167个粉丝 Epic Rap Battles Of History: Thanos vs J Robert OppenheimerDownload / stream the track here► http://hyperurl.co/ThanOppJoin our team over at the ......
Erik Tellgren dTrygve Helgaker dChemical Physics LettersL. Adamowicz, E.I. Tellgren, and T. Helgaker. Non-Born-Oppenheimer calcula- tions of the HD molecule in a strong magnetic field. Chemical Physics Letters, 639:295-299, 2015.
Monika StankeErik TellgrenTrygve HelgakerChemical Physics LettersL. Adamowicz, E.I. Tellgren, and T. Helgaker. Non-Born-Oppenheimer calcula- tions of the HD molecule in a strong magnetic field. Chemical Physics Letters, 639:295-299, 2015....
Overall the simulation and experimental desorption cross sections are in excellent agreement, except at small incident angles &thetas;i (with respect to the surface normal) and low initial Ar translational energies, results for harmonic vibrational frequencies indicates the validity of the QM/MM model...
An effective variational non-Born–Oppenheimer method is applied to calculate the ground state of the HD molecule in a strong magnetic field. The Hamiltonian used in the calculations is obtained by subtracting the operator representing the kinetic energy of the center-of-mass motion from the total...