Cillian Murphy is struggling with what he can and can’t say about his title role in Oppenheimer, the latest Christopher Nolan epic, such is the secrecy surrounding this film. Murphy is under “strict instructions” not to talk about the content. Which is awkward when you’ve flown to his ...
Watch Cillian Murphy accept the Oscar for his leading role in Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer. By Josh Weiss Mar 10, 2024, 10:05 PM ETCillian Murphy can certainly hear the music after winning a Best Actor Oscar for his performance as theoretical physicist and "father of the atomic bomb," ...
” Murphy said. “But you know you’re with one of the great directors of all time. I felt confident going into it with Chris. He’s had a profound impact on my life, creatively and professionally. He’s offered me very interesting roles over and I’ve found all of them ...
大導演 Christopher Nolan 新作《 Oppenheimer 》(奧本海默)找來演員 Cillian Murphy 飾演「原子彈之父」 Oppenheimer ,兩個人從《Batman Begins》(蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻)開始合作 20 年,總算有部片是 Cillian Murphy 當主角。 然而當深入認識 Cillian Murphy ,你絕對會被他的反差魅力深深吸引。 因為有故事的眼睛 被Nolan...
Cillian Murphy: It's always paid off for me, you know, in every film that I worked with him on. The script for "Oppenheimer" was on red paper so that it couldn't be photocopied.60 Minutes There have been six Chris Nolan films for Murphy: "Dunkirk," "Inception" and three "Bat...
Cillian Murphyreceived the award for Best Actor in a Leading Role at the2024 Oscarsfor his performance inOppenheimer. “I’m a little overwhelmed,” Murphy, 47, said in his acceptance speech on Sunday, March 10. “Thank you to the Academy,Chris NolanandEmma Thomas. It’s been the wildest...
《#奥本海默 #Oppenheimer》中短暂出现过1分钟左右Cillian Murphy身穿制服的片段,制服上有城堡领章,无柴无花,到底是否如实?█ 委任科学家为军官的计划肩负曼哈顿计划的秘密设施 - 洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室(Los Alamos National Laboratory)由于属于军方设施,成立之初就曾经计划将一众科学家委任为陆军军官。实验室首任总监...
Cillian Murphy Wins Best Actor for 'Oppenheimer,' and dedicates his win to the 'Peacekeepers' everywhere.
Cillian Murphy,"Oppenheimer's" protagonist, revealed in a recent interview that the much-talked-about sex scenes in the summer blockbuster, between his character and
Emily Blunt Reveals the "Secret Language" That Connects Her to Cillian Murphy in Oppenheimer The duo portraying J. Robert Oppenheimer and Katherine "Kitty" Oppenheimer have previously worked together. ByCaitlin BuschFebruary 16, 2024 Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer Now Streaming Exclusively On Peacock ...