By:FEDweek Staff OPM has issued its annual “call letter” on federal employee health insurance, which for the 2025 plan year will see the introduction of a Postal Service Health Benefits program as a carve-out from the FEHB program.
Federal employees and retirees can supplement their health insurance coverage by choosing separate dental and/or vision insurance coverage that will hopefully reduce their out-of-pocket costs for dental and vision care. The program is called the Federal Employee Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FE...
OPM HR Guidance and Transmittals FED Status, Closure, Dismissal Procedures ♦ Feb 17, .. SCD: Griffin v. Police Standards Commission .. On August 26, 2020, Police Officer Anthony Griffin and other Dover Police Department officers responded to a domestic violence call in the city. Griffin dr...
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"OPM, in some ways shows, although you could have said the same thing from the Anthem health insurance hack” of December 2014, that "data is increasingly a commodity of value all on its own," Rogers, leader of NSA and U.S. Cyber Command, said Thursday. ...
Social Security Disability benefits— filed through the Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Insurance, the standard to qualify for this benefit is much higher than filing for Federal Disability Retirement benefits under FERS. As part of filing for Federal Disability Retirement benefits und...