root@OpenWrt:/etc# opkg install kmod-i2c-core--nodeps Package kmod-i2c-core(3.10.49-1)installedinroot is up to date.root@OpenWrt:/etc#
Package iptables (1.4.21-r0) installed in root is up to date. root@som9x25:~# Conclusion This article demonstrated the basic usage ofopkg, but did not cover any of the more advanced topics. Topics covered in this article include installing software, updating software, removing software, and ...
root@YunArduino:~# opkg install python-openssl Package python-openssl (2.7.9-6) installed in root is up to date. root@YunArduino:~# easy_install pip -ash: easy_install: not found root@YunArduino:~# pip install AWSIoTPythonSDK==1.0.0 -ash: pip: not found root@YunArduino:~# exit Co...
It uses ./* as an argument to all three tar commands so the control file is placed by itself in a directory called control, and a tmp subdirectory is created/deleted on the fly. I had to delete your Depends line from the control file as dd-wrt already has /bin/sh built in. I pre...
A package is installed on the local system as in the following example: $ opkg deploy --pkg=/path/to/myapp.tgz When installing a package the following syntax can be used as well: $ opkg deploy --pkg=myapp In the above case, package tool will try to download myapp.tgz from a remote...
Thanks@hnyman. The patch submission procedure to opkg is not as fluid as it is for github projects. Also, there's not a clear CONTRIBUTING procedure in, so I'll just post some patches below, and hopefully@jow-will see them. The fo...