ipsec", "iptables-nft", "irqbalance", "iw", "iwinfo", "jansson", "jshn", "jsonfilter", "kernel", "kmod-ata-ahci", "kmod-ata-ahci-platform", "kmod-ata-core", "kmod-ath", "kmod-ath10k-ct", "kmod-cdrom", "kmod-cfg80211", "kmod-chaoskey", "kmod-crypto-aead", "kmod-crypt...
"kernel", "kmod-gpio-button-hotplug", "kmod-ip6tables", "kmod-ipt-conntrack", "kmod-ipt-core", "kmod-ipt-nat", "kmod-ipt-offload", "kmod-leds-gpio", "kmod-lib-crc-ccitt", "kmod-mt7603", "kmod-mt76x2", "kmod-nf-conntrack", "kmod-nf-conntrack6", "kmod-nf-flow", "kmod-...
(command -v fw3)#Generally speaking, install them on OpenWrt 21.02 and earlieropkg install iptables-mod-conntrack-extra \ iptables-mod-extra \ iptables-mod-filter \ iptables-mod-tproxy \ kmod-ipt-nat6#Choose a core you'd like to use, v2ray or Xray#If you have both installed, the ...
(command -v fw3) # Generally speaking, install them on OpenWrt 21.02 and earlier opkg install iptables-mod-conntrack-extra \ iptables-mod-extra \ iptables-mod-filter \ iptables-mod-tproxy \ kmod-ipt-nat6 # Choose a core you'd like to use, v2ray or Xray # If you have both installed...
(command -v fw3)#Generally speaking, install them on OpenWrt 21.02 and earlieropkg install iptables-mod-conntrack-extra \ iptables-mod-extra \ iptables-mod-filter \ iptables-mod-tproxy \ kmod-ipt-nat6#Choose a core you'd like to use, v2ray or Xray#If you have both installed, the ...