Age Appropriate Censoring Is Not The Same As Banning. Featured / 4 Comments When you ban a book or a movie or a song, what you're really doing is taking away your kids ability to have empathy for another. You're taking away the chance that they will see another person as another pe...
we don’t think about banning the collision sports. People who play the races all the time don’t trust the trainers, or the jockeys. The criticism is steady about both. In the movie,Once Upon a Time in the West,Henry Fonda decides to eliminate one of his very overweight confederates....
The Collapse of Parenting by Leonard Sax–I’m a parent, so I try to learn about being a better parent. This book was challenging. It confronts the friend approach that many parents take in our modern-day and age. It spoke to that truth I know in my heart: that my job is not to ...
About TPPP Episode 142 : Keter Darker I finally managed to upload this episode. It only took me like a month and a half! I have on my friend, warrior philosopher and owner of thunder lumber we shall call Random Chicagoan. If you want to find out his full title, you’ll just have ...
Desai continued to talk about how Punjab as a region has always been patriarchal. In Indian Punjab, for years, when a daughter was born she was given opium, then drowned in milk, placed in an earthen pot, and buried. “While the ceremony was going on, the villagers would gather around ...
Burke said the appropriate response to this growing threat “is to be firm about the Christian origin of our own nation, and certainly in Europe, and the Christian foundations of the government, and to fortify those.” He also blasted Catholic leaders who think Islam is “a religion like the...
A surprising number of them will admit that they don't really care if there's a net climatological benefit to banning the Challenger Hellcat Widebody; they find the existence of such things repugnant on moral grounds and therefore: hey hey, ho ho, the 6.2 has got to go." I already ...
When analyzed, the survey will inform us about the types of services organizations provide to promote cancer screening (e.g., outreach and education, navigation, clinic services), the inter-organizational relationships (e.g., communication, referral, collaboration) that support the delivery of the ...
What I have noticed is that with pitch n time enabled, the sound was decent for about 15 minutes (approximately). The sound degrades after that to where pitch n time is totally unuseable. mr187 8:59 AM - 24 February, 2014 Quote: I'm on a quad i7 MacBook Pro, Rane Sixty-Two an...
All You Need to Know About Booting Your M1 Mac Jeff Butts·December 10, 2020 If you’ve just bought a new Apple Silicon Mac, boot options have changed. Jeff Butts explains everything you wanted to know about booting your M1 Mac.