Aim In Haddad Syndrome the congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) and Hirschsprung disease occur concurrently. It is characterised by sleep apnea and colon defect. Its symptoms are inconsistent and they affect numerous organs. Most characteristic one is the inability to breathe independently ...
Opieka nad dzieckiem w stanie zagrożenia życia – problemy z pogranicza medycyny i teologiidoi:10.1016/j.pepo.2013.05.003decyzje lekarskieuporczywa terapiaprawa człowiekagodnośćMedical decisionsMedical futilityHuman rightsDignityAbstract A pediatrician is fully responsible for the life and ...
Opieka nad małym dzieckiem dawniej i dziśThe views on education and supporting the development of small children interested parents from ages. But knowledge passed down from generation to generation did not survive the test of time. The turning point, significantly influencing the views on ...
Opieka pielęgniarska nad dzieckiem hospitalizowanym w opinii rodzicówNursing care of a hospitalized child in the parents' opinion.Introduction. A child who is a helpless and a dependent person affected by the disease, pain and suffering, requires care and concern from the nursing staff. A ...
MIDZY PRAC A RODZIN -- OPIEKA NAD NAJMODSZYM DZIECKIEM W DEBACIE PRASOWEJdoi:10.34767/SZP.2021.01.12The Act of 4 February 2011 on Care for Children up to the age of 3 significantly changed the childcare system in Poland and one of its aims was to support parents in...