Ophir Photonics Group has announced the newest version of the M2-200s camera-based beam propagation analyzer, an ISO 11146-compliant system that automatically measures laser beam quality. It adds support for 64-bit Windows 7, addressing more physical memory, minimizing the time required to swap pr...
06:04 M2-200s演示 上传者:金先锋光电 04:46 CO2光束质量分析仪-ModeCheck产品使用演示ophir 上传者:金先锋光电 03:07 焦斑分析仪BeamWatch演示 上传者:金先锋光电 03:25 Ophir公司介绍 上传者:金先锋光电 04:43 OEM探头-Ophir 上传者:金先锋光电 06:01 StarLite操作说明 上传者:金先锋光电 17:04 BeamGage...
M2-200s or M2-200-FWYesYes4.99 SR107/29/2022Readme Point Grey Camera Driver InstallationYesYes2.1109/29/2017 Download: M2-FW-SCOR.zip(26.2 MB, ZIP) PGRCameraDriverInstallation.zip(114.1 MB, ZIP) M2-200 for Frame Grabber Card and Pyrocam III32-bit64-bitVersionRelease Date ...